I Flipping Love You (Shacking Up #3)(73)

I grin at the sudden stiffness in his body. Then yelp when he pinches my butt. “Not funny.”

“Ow. Where’s your sense of humor?” I rub my rear, which means I inadvertently rub his penis, through the barrier of clothing, but still.

He exhales a heavy breath. “It disappeared with my girlfriend last night.”

I roll over to face him and cover my mouth with my palm. My mouth tastes like a toilet bowl. “I didn’t disappear. I went out with my sister. That’s allowed, you know.”

“I don’t like it when you’re not talking to me. And when I’m not invited.”

“You’re addicted to this, aren’t you?” I motion to what I’m sure is my very messed-up hair. I also don’t think I took off my makeup last night, so there’s a solid chance my mascara is smeared in raccoon-style circles under my eyes.

“Hopelessly.” He kisses the end of my nose, and then backs away so he’s not breathing his sleep breath in my face. “I want to take you out for dinner tonight.”

“Do you, now?”

“Mmm. In Manhattan. We can stay at my condo. I can have you all to myself.”

“You can have me all to yourself right here.”

“But your sister is across the hall. And all the beach houses are rented out or in various stages of reno, and not fit for a sleepover. Not the kind I want to have tonight, anyway.”

“Have you forgotten that your hand is the only action you’re going to see this weekend?”

“Right. Hmm.” He taps his lip. “That’s not a problem. We can make tonight all about you.”

“All about me, huh?”

“That’s right.”

“Dinner and sleepover without orgasms? That should be interesting.”

“Oh, there will be orgasms. I just won’t get to have mine inside you.”

I shiver at the thought of how creative he’s going to get with that, and whether I’ll be able to stand by my own boycott.

I put on a pot of coffee and Pierce hangs out in my bedroom while I shower off last night’s sweat. Pierce lounges on my bed with a coffee mug and a plate of sugar cookies—I’m sure my bed is full of crumbs, but I’ll deal with that later—while I set to packing an overnight bag. I torture him by parading around in a bra and panties while showing him dresses for tonight’s dinner. I drag the entire thing out for as long as I can, and I end up changing my panties three times to make him sweat.

I think’s it’s probably as torturous for myself as it is for Pierce, but I’m willing to suffer because his discomfort is empowering.

At two thirty, as we’re getting ready to leave, Pierce gets a call from his brother. “What are you talking about? They’re what?” His eyes lift to mine and then narrow. “Can you take care of it? They’re in which rental? Fuck. The new guests are supposed to be there in an hour. Just put them in the shed and I’ll deal with them tomorrow when I get back. Fine. Fine. I’ll come help. I’m on my way.”

I smile serenely at him. “Found the gnomes, huh?”

“Well played, Rian. I suppose you wouldn’t be interested in helping me get rid of them.”

“Oh, I did that yesterday, all by myself.”

“I’ll be back in an hour. You better be ready. And I think we might need to renegotiate the terms of tonight’s date.” He kisses me on the cheek and leaves me to finish packing.




It’s almost five by the time Pierce returns. There were a lot of gnomes. And since they’d been in the garden, there was a mess of dirt to clean up. Apparently he needed a shower when he was finished. I’d like to say I feel bad, but I don’t, considering what he put me through yesterday.

I’m already dressed for dinner—the gnome situation having delayed our departure, so we’re heading straight to the restaurant instead of stopping at his condo first. The drive to Manhattan is rife with sexual tension, likely because I’ve told Pierce there won’t be any scoring at the end of the night. I’m not 100 percent convinced I’ll be able to stick to that. Not with him looking so delicious in a crisp black suit. Or with every other sentence out of his mouth dripping with innuendo.

It’s been ages since I’ve been to the city. I’m nervous as we pull up to the valet and my door is opened for me. I feel like some kind of imposter when Pierce links arms with me and guides me inside. I’ve been to this restaurant before, a long time ago, I realize, back when Broadway theater was a regular occurrence and a night in a luxury hotel was the norm for my family.

“Mr. Whitfield, it’s so nice to see you! It’s been too long.” The host takes his hand in both of his, shaking it warmly.

“It certainly has.”

“Your father was here last week and mentioned you were spending the summer in the Hamptons.”

When Pierce smiles. It’s warm but his voice holds a hint of tightness. “Just enjoying the beach.”

“Lovely, I’m sure.” The host, whose tag reads Karl, turns his smile on me. “And who is this stunning masterpiece you’ve brought with you tonight?”

I laugh as he bends to kiss the back of my hand.

Helena Hunting's Books