I Flipping Love You (Shacking Up #3)(70)

“That guy with the sleeve?” I motion to my arm. “What is he, some kind of mobster? I’d say MMA fighter since he’s a tank and all, but his face is way too pretty and intact for someone to be beating on it regularly.”

Pierce laughs. “Lex would probably get a kick out of that. He’s actually—” He’s cut off by his phone ringing. He flips it over and frowns at the screen. “Sorry. I have to take this.”

“Sure. I need to use the bathroom anyway. I’ll meet you out by the truck?”

“Perfect.” He brings the phone to his ear. “Hold please.”

Leaning in, he kisses me on the cheek and passes me his keys. “Thank you. I won’t be long.” He turns his attention back to his call and heads toward the door. “This better be important. I was in the middle of a lunch date.”

I gather my purse and use the bathroom, taking my time before I head to the truck. Pierce is already leaning against it upon my return, arms crossed over his chest, eyes on his phone, expression somber.

“Everything okay?”

He glances up and his hard expression melts into a soft smile. “Debatable.” He doesn’t elaborate, instead he opens the door for me, his hands on my hips as I step onto the running board. I don’t need his assistance, but I certainly don’t mind it.

Once he’s in the truck, he taps the steering wheel. “So I have to go to the city this afternoon, and I’m not sure how long I’ll be there, which means we’ll have to cut our day short and possibly reschedule our date.”

The last time he was in the city he ran into his ex and then drunk texted me. “Is it lawyery stuff?”

“It is. It’s more of a pain in the ass than anything. Can we figure something out when I come back? I don’t think I’ll be gone more than a couple of days.”

“Sure. Whatever works.” I don’t want to sound too disappointed, even though I am. I like spending time with Pierce, in a bed, out of a bed, eating food, talking. I like him. Which is why it should be a good thing he has to cancel.

“I’m really sorry, Rian. If it’s any consolation, I’d rather be with you than in Manhattan, dealing with lawyery bullshit.”

“I’d rather be under you than having you deal with lawyery stuff too.” A reminder to myself that I need to keep this light, not serious.

“I’m taking a rain check on that. As soon as I’m back. You and me. Sleepover. Lots of sex. Extra cuddles so I can sniff your hair without you getting weirded out.”




The weeks that follow become increasingly busy with the summer rush. Open houses eat weekend afternoons, and house showings consume evenings. In between it all, I’m in charge of overseeing the renovations for the Paulsons’ beach house because I’m the one who pays attention to details and managing the costs.

My busy days are making it difficult for Pierce to reschedule an actual date. However, we still find time to see each other. Pierce makes himself available on a regular basis, stopping by the beach house to help with little things, which often results in quickies on dusty surfaces. I try to keep it casual, as it’s supposed to be, but he’s so sweet, and fun, and helpful, and all around amazing, so it’s difficult not to get attached.

Usually I wind up back at whatever house Pierce is working on—they’ve purchased yet another property since we bought the Paulsons’ and obviously we were not the realtors—eating takeout on the couch. I even started packing an overnight bag with extra clothes and leaving it in my car for such occasions, since they’re rather frequent. We talk houses and renovations and sex it up like teenagers.

He doesn’t ask any direct questions about my parents again, and I don’t bring it up. Sometimes he makes comments about his own family, as if he’s waiting for me to take the bait, but I never do.

Last night I slept in my own bed for once, alone since Pierce had to make another trip into the city. I actually missed Pierce’s overly warm body and his breath tickling my neck. I even missed Trip trying to edge his way between us. Which tells me the space is necessary.

After weeks of making cookies and watching Pierce strut around in his lime-green Speedo—it’s become a weekly occurrence—Muriel is finally putting her house on the market.

If Marley and I were closer to being finished with our renovations on the Paulson house, purchasing Muriel’s place might be an option, but we don’t have the capital necessary to finance it. We’d hoped to have our own flip finished before Muriel’s home went on the market, but there’s been a delay in getting the plumber in. Coincidentally, the plumber is one of Pierce’s contacts. As ludicrous as it sounds, I do wonder if the delay was intentional. However, interestingly enough, his awesome paving guys were available without a problem, so the driveway looks amazing. If I had to guess, I doubt he’s sabotaging things, and it’s just my paranoia that’s the problem.

Besides, it would be unethical to postpone a sale for our personal gain. I owe it to Muriel to get her the best deal possible, and if I’m being honest, it wouldn’t be Marley and me. Either way, we’ll end up with a sweet commission, and Muriel has already found a new place in Texas, so we’ve scheduled an open house. I may have accidentally failed to mention it to Pierce. Not that it matters. He has Muriel eating out of his palm, so I’m sure, despite my request that she keeps the open house date between us until we’re ready to announce, he’ll have managed to sweet talk the information out of her.

Helena Hunting's Books