Half Empty (First Wives, #2)(75)

“Really? In your husband’s house?” Mauro spoke in Spanish.

The euphoria Trina shared with Wade the night before shattered with her father’s accusing words.

Trina lifted her chin. “It’s rude to speak in Spanish, Papa.”

“Do you want everyone to hear what I have to say?” He looked directly at Wade.

Wade placed a hand on her arm, sensing the heat in her father’s words, even if he didn’t understand them.

Instead of giving her father a private audience, she forced a smile. “Wade, I’d like you to meet my father, Mauro. Daddy, this is Wade.”

She waited a beat and prayed her father hadn’t lost all his manners.

Mauro puffed out his chest like he had for her first date when she was fifteen, and went toe-to-toe with Wade.

Wade put his hand out. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

Mauro lifted his hand slowly before grabbing hold.

The room was silent while they shook hands.

Trina glanced at Lori.

Lori looked at their clasped hands.

Vicki glared at Trina.

Her father silently kept shaking for what felt like five minutes. “You’re a musician?” he eventually asked, even though he had yet to let Wade’s hand go.

“I am.”

Lori cleared her throat and Mauro finally released.

“I’m surprised to see you here,” Wade told his mother.

Vicki lifted her chin. “Ike returned without you. I was concerned. Imagine my surprise when I arrived thirty minutes after Trina’s father. Both of us quite clueless about what is going on here.”

“And my surprise when I learned the tabloids had the truth of the matter regarding your new friendship,” Mauro said.

“The tabloids are full of lies, Papa. You know that.”

“Are you two dating?” he asked.

Trina glanced at Wade.

“Yes, sir. We are.”

Her father narrowed his eyes at Wade. “Then you should have respect for her late husband and take it away from this house.” Mauro’s words were harsh and meant to hurt.

“There have been a few unfortunate events that have prevented that.”

Mauro looked unconvinced. “What could be so limiting that a man of your standing and wealth cannot overcome?”

“Is there a party in here?” On crutches, Avery hobbled into the kitchen.

Lori scrambled to her side to help, and Wade pushed a chair out of her way so Avery had a clear path to her perch on the couch.

“What are you doing up without someone helping?” Trina asked.

“Shannon doesn’t need to watch me pee,” Avery insisted.

“Oh my Lord.”

Trina turned around to see Vicki’s and her father’s eyes tracking Avery.

“We will be leaving the house once Avery is ready to fly,” she told her father. “I’m sorry to disappoint you. But it couldn’t be helped.”

“What happened?” Vicki asked.

Mauro had met Avery before, when she was visiting over the holidays. He seemed to lose much of his anger while watching her attempt to walk.

“Someone beat the crap out of me in a parking lot in broad daylight in the center of Manhattan. At the same time someone else broke into the office out back. No one thinks it’s a coincidence. Oh, and the police are opening up Fedor’s case as a murder investigation.” Avery sighed once she was finally on the couch with her foot propped up on a few pillows. “Did I miss anything else?”

“No, that about covers it,” Lori said.

“Who is Fedor?” Vicki asked.

“Trina’s late husband,” Wade told her.

“Murder?” Mauro asked Trina directly.

She answered with a single nod. “Whoever broke in didn’t take anything, they just wiped the room clean of any fingerprints.”

“And blood,” Avery offered. “Don’t forget the blood, and the housekeeper’s mysterious accidental death. I forgot about that.”

“Is this all true?” Mauro asked Trina in Spanish.

“Sadly,” she told him.

“No wonder Ike suggested I come,” Vicki said.

“Ike had no business dragging you into this. In fact, it’s safer for you to be at home.”

“Then you should come with me.”

“Once Trina can safely leave, I’ll be back in Texas.” Wade moved beside Trina and placed a hand on the small of her back. “I’m truly sorry if that upsets either one of you, but that’s how this is going to play out.”

Jeb, Reed, and Shannon walked into the room and paused at the door.

Wade turned to Reed. “How soon will we have Rick’s replacement here?”

“Couple hours.”

Wade addressed Jeb. “When he arrives, I’d like you to accompany my mother home. Make sure she arrives safely. If I need ya back, I’ll let you know. Otherwise, plan on helping out Reed’s team in any manner they need to ensure the ranch is safe.”

“You got it.”

“And tell Ike he should start looking for another job.”

“Wade, no—”

“He placed you in danger, telling you to come here. Now I need to get you home and remove some of the protection we have in place in order to make that happen. He was completely out of line.”

Catherine Bybee's Books