Half Empty (First Wives, #2)(73)

“But you both entered into your marriage as what, an arrangement?”

She shrugged. “I speak Russian. He talked me into it, said I could back out anytime. We both wanted his mother to pass without worry. We drew up a prenuptial, he wanted me to have more, said he would buy me a house after our divorce so I could start a new life without any financial stress.”

“You married him for the money.”

It made her sound like a hooker. “It was a business arrangement. He married me to give his mother peace of mind while cancer ate her away. I married him to make enough money to bankroll my private flight attendant endeavor I wanted to start.”

For the first time since they met, Wade’s eyes showed doubt.

“I know how it sounds, how it looks. It was mutual. I promise you. Ask Lori. She set up the agreement.”

“I don’t need to ask Lori.” His gaze softened.

“I can count on one hand how many times Fedor kissed me, Wade. Three were in front of the cameras at our wedding, the other two were at the hospital in front of his mother.”

Wade looked over her head and around the room. “You had separate bedrooms.”

She nodded. “Of course.”

“You never slept with him.” It wasn’t a question.

She shook her head.

He tilted his head back and closed his eyes and sighed, long and deep.

“Here I thought I was competing with a dead man and wondering how I was going to win.”

Trina rested her hands on his chest. “You’re not competing with anyone. I haven’t had a boyfriend for five years, and the butterflies didn’t last past the first few dates. It’s one of the many reasons I said yes to Fedor’s plan.”

Wade lost his smile, but his eyes twinkled. “Who was this boyfriend?”

His grin made her smile.

He reached up with both hands and captured her head. “I guess I don’t have to feel bad about doing this.” His lips lowered to hers, and she melted into the wings fluttering in her belly. He was so very good at erasing everything in her world but the slow tingling of his lips on hers and the smooth transition of his tongue taking over hers.

Her knees began to buckle, but he simply held her tighter, changed positions, and kept kissing her like he had nothing better to do for the next year.

Wade came up for air and bent enough to lift her into his arms. “I don’t have to feel bad about doing this either.”

She smiled as he walked her into her bathroom and turned on a light.

It was too bright, so she pointed toward the one next to it. The one that left the room in a soft glow.

He struggled to turn switches off and on while holding her.

“Don’t drop me,” she said, laughing.

“I haven’t let you go yet.”

He managed to dim the lights without dropping her and then walked them to the shower. He set her down and turned on the water.

“Lots of people in the house, we should conserve water and shower together.”

There was no way they were going to conserve anything. “Probably a good idea.”

He reached into his back pocket and removed his wallet. From it he pulled a condom and waved it at her. “In case you can’t control yourself.”

Trina placed a hand on her chest. “Me? I can hold out longer than you.”

He lifted an eyebrow, a smile in his eyes. “Did you just smack down a challenge, ma’am?”

“I think I did.”

With a wicked smile, he reached over his shoulders and pulled his shirt over his head.

Her heart skipped a double jump rope and her mouth started to dry. He was so very well sculpted. Wide shoulders that slimmed at his waist.

She swallowed.

“Done looking?” he asked.

Right . . . this was a challenge. Her racing heart told her she was going to lose if she let her mind wander any more.

Wade watched her fingers move as she reached for the buttons on her shirt and slowly undid them.

She wore a lacy purple bra that Wade seemed to admire when he licked his lips. Before she let her shirt drop to the floor, she moved to her jeans.

Wade shifted his feet, but his eyes never left her hands as she stripped.

In a move more daring than she normally allowed herself, she let her fingertips follow the zipper down and passed a slow circle over herself through her clothing.

“Sweet Jesus,” he muttered.

It was hard to miss the tightening of his jeans while he watched.

Because he had yet to move in and help her, Trina wiggled her hips to remove her pants until she kicked them away and stood in a loose shirt, panties, and a bra.

Wade shook his head and leaned down to grab one of his boots. He struggled with it and had to jump a few times to keep his balance while he removed it.

He kicked the second one free, and Trina let her shirt drop to the floor. She reached for the clasp of her bra, and he stopped her. “Let me.”

Only he was struggling with his jeans and fell into the counter before he kicked them away. His underwear went with the jeans, and Trina knew she’d win this round of her challenge.

Steam filled the bathroom when he opened the glass door of the shower. Wade adjusted the temperature before he reached for her.

“I’m still wearing—”

“Don’t care.”

Catherine Bybee's Books