God of Malice (Legacy of Gods #1)(112)

“Don’t do that,” he whispers low so I’m the only one who hears.

I make a face at him and a strange fire brightens in his eyes, as if he’s amused but also doesn’t like it.

Jeez. He’s a conundrum.

“Your turn,” I murmur, suddenly nervous for what he’ll say.

He has a tendency to be unpredictable with no care in the world for others’ feelings.

“Never have I ever…been in love.”

My heart squeezes and I think I’m going to throw up. Is he doing this on purpose because he feels the change?

Does he see it on my face, too? Like when I look at myself in the mirror?

Ava and Brandon are the only ones who drink to that and they get shit from everyone and deathly glares from Nikolai.

Or maybe the glare is only for one of them.

But all the noise is downed by my internal ticking bomb.




I raise a shot with shaky fingers to drink, but before it can meet my lips, Killian snatches it and downs it with utter ease.

“You’re drunk, I’ll take your shots.”

“I don’t need you to.” And why the hell does he sound so unapproving for?

“Swoon.” Annika puts her hands together, watching us with an expression full of awe.

“We need to take this game to the next level.” Nikolai holds out a shot. “Never have I ever fucked or experimented with someone of the same sex.”

Then he drinks his shot.

Well, that’s weird.

Nikolai could’ve just picked something he’s actually never have done.

“Does a kiss count?” Ava asks, and he nods.

“Well, screw it.” She downs a shot.

Remi slams a hand on his chest as if he’s about to have a stroke. “This bitch is really looking to get herself killed tonight.”

Killian raises a shot and I stare at him incredulously.

“Don’t look like you’ll faint, little rabbit. Do you really believe all those kinks were done with only women? I used to experiment a lot.”

As he drinks, I pick up a shot and down it in one go.

He narrows his eyes.

“Don’t look surprised, Killer. I used to experiment a lot, too,” I lie through my teeth, but I think he believes it, because he places his hand on my thigh and squeezes. Hard.

Then his lips find my ear, “We’ll talk about this later as I punish the fuck out of you.”

“Whatever.” I sound unaffected when my thighs are smeared with arousal.

“No one else?” Nikolai toys with his empty shot glass, then hums and retrieves a cigarette, letting it hang at the corner of his lips. “Fucking bore. I’m out of here.”

He lights his cigarette on his way to the exit.

“Phew, that was intense.” Annika breathes. “Seriously, Kill. Don’t bring him next time. He’s scary.”

“Are you sure it’s not because he can snitch to your brother?”

She laughs awkwardly. “Don’t be ridiculous. I have nothing to hide from Jer.”

“Uh-huh,” Killian says with clear mockery.

“So who’s next?” Bran speaks, his voice sounding hoarse.

“Me!” Annika glares at Killian. “Never have I ever got my dick sucked.”

“That’s a low fucking blow.” Remi drinks and so do Bran and Killian.

Too much info about my brother.

Note to self, never play these games with him around.

“Wait a minute.” Remi stares at Creigh. “Why aren’t you drinking, Cray Cray? Have you missed the never have I ever for this round?” When he shakes his head, Remi seems exasperated. “Then drink—Jesus fucking Christ, spawn, please tell me you’ve had your dick sucked at least once?”

When Creigh remains silent, Remi falls down on his chair dramatically. “I think I need some medical attention. My own spawn has been missing out and I didn’t know. I’m losing years of my life as we speak, I’m telling you.”

“What’s so special about having one’s dick sucked?” Creighton speaks his longest sentence for the evening.

“Uh, what’s so special about the sun? The moon? The ecosystem? I can go on forever.” Remi sighs. “Jesus, spawn, you’re making me look like a bad mentor.”

“You are, though.” Cecily makes a face at him and he makes one back.

“Proud of you, cousin,” I tell Creigh and he nods. “I’ll drink to you.”

Before I even grab the glass, Killian snatches and downs it on my behalf.

His lips glisten with the alcohol and I think something is wrong with my heart, because it keeps beating so hard when he side-eyes me and whispers in a deep, low tone, “Behave.”

“I thought you wanted me to be a bad girl,” I murmur back.

“I want you to be just the way you are. Minus the drinking.”

“Cherry said you need someone like you so they can understand you better.”

He raises a brow. “And what did you tell her?”

“To go shove it where no one can see. Well, not exactly, but I wish I’d said that.”

He chuckles. “I like it when you’re jealous.”

“Hey, you two lovebirds, we’re playing here.” Ava slaps the table. “Can’t believe quiet Glyndon is the first one to be in a relationship among us.”

Rina Kent's Books