Gentlemen Prefer Spinsters (Spinsters Club #1)(6)

“I am well.” She kept the smile in place. “Go home, Harry. You should not be here anyway.”

“No one is around, and if a man cannot comfort his friend in a time of need, then to hell with everyone.”

A slight laugh bubbled out of her. It was not because he was being especially funny, but his determined expression was a welcome relief from the concerned looks everyone kept giving her.

“I’m glad you can still smile.”

“Of course, I can still smile. I am just fine. Really, I am. You know father and I were not—” Her voice cracked. She gulped and tried again, aware her voice was reed thin. “Were not close.”

“I know, but grief is a strange thing.” He inched closer so that there was barely a foot between them. He tucked a curl behind her ear and the slight warmth of his fingers jarred straight to her heart.

“Daniel shall be home before long,” she said brightly. “I have sent a message to Spain. Of course, it shall take some time to arrive, but I am certain that he shall want to hurry home as soon as he can. After all, he is the new viscount.”

For some reason, Harry would not take his eyes off her. He kept staring at her as though searching for something. It made her feel like she needed to keep rabbiting on until he left or else he might spot something she did not wish him to see.

“He shall want to take up his position quickly and ensure the estate continues to run efficiently, I’m sure,” she continued.

“He might be some time. If the weather is bad on the crossing, it could be weeks before he returns,” he cautioned.

“Of course. I will not expect him any time soon, though I must start getting ready for his return.”

Turning away, she skimmed her hand across the back of the chaise and paused by the window. Outside, the estate sprawled in front of her. She would have to keep it running until Daniel returned—no easy feat. Though she understood how to keep the household going, estate affairs had been very much kept from her by her brother and father. Even when she’d expressed interest in learning, she’d been told there was no reason for her to know.

Well, she was nothing if not a quick learner, and her father had employed some of the best estate managers in the country. Surely it would not be too hard?

She sensed Harry moving closer, coming up behind her. He put a hand to her arm and she turned to face him.

“If you need any help, Merry, I intend to be around as much as you need me. I need to return to London briefly, but I will be staying in Lulworth for the whole of summer.”

“And miss out on the social scene? That does not sound like you.” She tried to add a little amusement into her tone but if fell flat.

“There are more important things than socializing.”

“That definitely does not sound like you.”

“Merry, I would not leave you in a time of need.”

Merry peered up at him. She wanted to protest that statement but could not bring herself to. He’d discarded his hat somewhere, though she had not noticed where, and his chestnut hair had a slightly mussed look to it. She’d always thought of his green eyes as soulful and far too pretty for a man but now she almost hated him for them. They were too intrusive, too aware of everything that was wrapping itself about her insides. How could he know that deep down she was about to break?

Somehow...just somehow Harcourt Easton knew her inside out.

The knot in her throat bunched tighter and her eyes burned. When she felt the first tear escape, she crumbled. A sob bubbled out of her followed by another then another.

Harry closed the gap and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her into the warm cocoon of his embrace. She pressed her face into his chest while great sobs wracked her. She could not be sure how long the painful, ugly tears consumed her, but at some point, she became aware of Harry’s hands rubbing up and down her back.

“I do not...” She sucked in a breath but kept her face against his warm, solid chest. “I do not even know why I am crying. I did not love him. And I am certain he did not love me.”

He didn’t say anything, just kept up the soothing touch of his palms over her back.

“I suppose I wonder what might have been...what could have happened if we’d had more time. Maybe one day he would have taken the time to get to know me...maybe...” Another ripple of emotion welled out of her and she could not bring herself to hold it back. She cried until there was nothing left in her.

As the sobs eased, Harry maneuvered her to the chaise longue and eased her down with him. Her eyes were sore and itchy from tears and her chest burned. She found herself scooped up and laid across his lap, his arms enfolding her, making her feel warmer and more protected than she’d felt in days.

“I do wish he could have loved me,” she spilled out.

Harry cupped her head against his chest. She could hear his steady heartbeat, heavy and reassuring. His legs were firm underneath her and she felt the flex of muscles in his arms as he held her tight. For a moment, just for a moment, she allowed herself to be taken away by the feeling. Considering she had recently declared she had no need for men, she could not let herself relish it too much, but there was something wonderfully comforting about having a strong, confident man taking away her worries—if briefly.

“He should have loved you, Merry,” Harry murmured. “There is so much about you to love.”

Samantha Holt's Books