Gentlemen Prefer Spinsters (Spinsters Club #1)(11)

Merry gave her friend’s ankle a tap with her boot and shot her a look.

“Indeed I do.” Mrs. Bryce beamed at her. “It really does wonders for your complexion and you do not want to gain anymore freckles now, do you, my lady?”

Merry held back a sigh and thanked the shopkeeper. “As soon as we are out of sight, I am losing this bonnet,” she muttered to Bella. “It’s quite windy today, is it not? What a shame it would be if it blew away into the sea.”

“Look how happy you made her, though,” Bella said, glancing back.

“I know.” She glanced back at Mrs. Bryce who had hustled away and could be heard humming to herself even from the door. Merry supposed she had at least done her good deed for the day.

As she pushed open the door, she tumbled into a chest—a strong, masculine chest that spanned her vision. She tried to peer up at the owner of the chest, but the ridiculous breadth of the bonnet prevented her from seeing anything but his cravat. She’d recognize that chuckle anywhere though.

“New bonnet?”

Merry divested herself of the thing immediately, clasping it in one hand. Harry smiled down at her and her stomach did that strange flip thing again. In shining hessians, breeches that clung to his thighs, and an elegantly embroidered navy waistcoat, he looked far more fashionable than she ever would, even without the bonnet.

She glanced at the man next to him who was dressed just as finely and had black hair and a blue gaze that was so bright and curious that she looked away immediately. “Um, yes.” Merry bit down on her lip and peered at her friends who were huddled behind her.

“It’s a little on the large side.”

She chuckled. “That is putting it tactfully. When did you get back?”

“Last night.” He motioned to his companion. “Please let me introduce my friend, Lord Thornford.”

“Oh, he’s the son of the Duke of Harington,” Bella hissed behind her, non-too-subtly.

Lord Thornford’s lips quirked. “A pleasure to meet you all. Please call me Griff.”

“Um. What brings you to Dorset, Lord, um, Griff?” asked Sophia.

“I wanted to see this wonderful village that Easton always talks about. I can see why he was eager to return home.” His gaze ran across all the women as he grinned.

Merry saw the color in her friends’ cheeks. It was not often they had a stranger in their midst, particularly spectacularly handsome ones, but they had to be as aware as she was that the rumors surrounding the Duke of Harington’s son were far worse than those surrounding Harry.

“How are you?” Harry asked her.

The concern in his eyes made her feel strangely soft inside. She found her gaze kept falling to his lips while she recalled how soft and warm they had been. By some miracle, she’d managed to forget that kiss. Until now. Until they were surrounded by their friends and he was right in front of her. She’d managed to convince herself she’d practically made it up, that it had been the chaste kiss of a concerned friend and that it did not light feelings that she had long suppressed.

“I...” Those feelings that were currently frothing forth, blanking her mind and making it impossible to say a word.

“She’s going to move into the dower house soon,” Bella spilled out. “Before Daniel returns.”

“Yes, thank you, Bella,” Merry said tightly.

Harry’s brows lifted. “The dower house? It’s a bit of a wreck, is it not?”

“I always intended to move there once Daniel returned, but I think it necessary to move before he comes home. He will have enough to be worrying about without having to set up my home,” she explained.

“And let me guess, you intend to do it all alone.” His lips curved.

“Well, not exactly...” Merry huffed. “I can manage you know. I am not completely helpless.”

He lifted a hand. “I would never imply such a thing, but if you need some help, I would be more than happy to lend a hand.”

“As would I,” offered Lord Thornford.

Merry shook her head vigorously. If he made her stomach flip simply by standing in front of her, she could not bear to have him helping her at the house.

“It might be useful...” Arabella started.

Merry shook her head again. “I’ll manage. My friends are going to help, are you not, ladies?”

Glances swung between them and they eventually all nodded.

“Um, yes, of course.” Arabella twined her hands together and color bloomed on her cheeks. Merry resisted the desire to roll her eyes. Arabella was the worst fibber, she really was.

Harcourt’s lips quirked. “Well, I shall like to see how things are coming along anyway. I shall see you soon, Merry. Have a good day, ladies.”

Lord Thornford bid them farewell with a tip of his hat, and both men strode down the street. Merry watched their confident walk as did her friends. Once he vanished, she eyed Bella.

“You did not need to tell him about the house, you know.”

Bella held up her hands. “I did not think it was some great secret. Besides, I thought you considered Lord Easton your friend. Why should he not know?”

“Because well...well...” Because he had kissed her. Because it felt strange. Because she was scared that she might want another kiss. This was not how it was meant to be. Sophia was right, Harry was her brother’s friend—and nothing more. He had kissed her to comfort her, and she was a fool to think anything more of it.

Samantha Holt's Books