Fueled(book two)(203)

To my oldest daughter: thanks for trying to sneak a peak at my screen every chance you can because now, you can read, and Mommy’s nervous about what you just might be reading on her computer. Thanks for your patience and unending questions in regards to “do people really read what you’re typing?” Let’s hope they do. Love you too bug!

To my husband: Thank you for being patient during this whole process. Thank you for inventing places to take the kids so that I get a few hours alone here and there to write uninterrupted. Thank you for being okay (well mostly) with take-out or food from a bag because I need to get a scene finished. Thank you for not complaining that laundry takes a whole lot longer now and the house is a little bit messier. Thank you for going to bed by yourself several nights a week while I stay up and then fall asleep with Colton instead. (Sorry ladies, it’s one of the perks of being the author!) Thank you for understanding that the computer is now glued to my fingertips and the woman who never forgot anything, is now a tad bit absentminded—just blame it on those damn people in my head. I love you!

To my family and friends: thank you for your unending support and my random ramblings about people who exist in my head and in the hearts of all of you readers.

Names are funny things to pick in a book. For instance in Driven and Fueled, my kids names make an appearance. I usually opt for names that I really like or ask my oldest daughter for a random name she wants to make her feel a part of the whole experience…but there is one name in particular in Fueled that holds special meaning in our house right now. The name is Parker—the kind man in the bar that kept Rylee company. My seven-year-old daughter has had the sweetest little boy in her class the past two years. In April, sweet Parker was diagnosed out of the blue with stage 4 nueroblastoma. His little body is currently fighting as hard as he can to beat this horrible disease and his mom and dad are superheroes right along with him, doing anything and everything they can to raise money to help his fight https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/fUHge …so I decided to give a quiet shout out to Parker in Fueled to let him know we are all thinking about him. If anyone in your life has been touched by cancer, you know what it’s like…so if you get a chance, stop by and give him a few words of encouragement on Facebook at Team Parker for Life with a little ‘#Fueled’ so he knows we’re all pulling for him!

My final comment will address what I’m sure will be flooding my email and Facebook page when you finish reading this book, when is Crashed going to be released? I do not have a set date yet. I’m sorry, but I refuse to give a date and then have to adjust it and push it back a few months from now. I’ve been frustrated when authors do that and I don’t want to make you feel that way. Rest assured though that Crashed will be the final book in the trilogy. The story of Rylee and Colton will be completed.

Are you still thinking about that ending? Thought so. Feel free to join ‘The Driven Trilogy Group’ on Facebook where you can discuss like crazy (spoilers and all) with other people that have finished it. The link is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/394768807306804/

Thanks again for reading. I hope you enjoyed Fueled.

I race you!


K. Bromberg is that reserved woman sitting in the corner that has you all fooled about the wild child inside of her—the one she lets out every time her fingertips touch the computer keyboard. She’s a wife, mom, child rustler, toy pick-er-upper, chauffer, resident web-slinger, LaLaloopsy watching, American Girl doll dressing multi-tasker of all things domestic and otherwise. She likes her diet cokes with rum, her music loud, and her pantry stocked with a cache of chocolate.

K.Bromberg's Books