Fueled(book two)(201)

The flash of red comes out of nowhere and slings in front of me. No time to react. None.

I’m weightless.





White knuckles on the wheel.

Daylight again.

Too fast.

Too fast.


I see Colton’s car rise above the smoke. It’s up on the nose. Spiraling through the air. I hear Beckett yell, “Wood!” It’s only one word, but the broken way he says it has lead dropping through my soul.

I can’t react.

Can’t function.

Just sit in my seat and stare.

My mind fracturing to images of Max and Colton.



Spiderman. Batman. Superman. Ironman.

Stay tuned for the conclusion of Rylee and Colton’s story

in the third and final book of The Driven Trilogy,


Wow! Where do I even begin to start? When I started this writing journey a little over a year ago, it was more of a challenge to myself. Can I do it? Not only can I do it, but can I create a story that creates visceral reactions in the reader and at the same time makes them fall in love with Rylee, Colton and their story? When I finished Driven, I liked it—but that meant nothing— the question was, would you, the reader, be taken by it?

Never in a million years did I expect that response to be yes! At first I thought it was a fluke to be honest. I knew I was in love with Rylee and Colton and the boys—but that was a given—and then the messages and emails and posts started coming in. You actually loved them as much as I did—my damaged alpha and heartbroken heroine. I’ve always thought the job of an author is to make the reader feel in extremes—and you all let me know that I did just that, broken Kindles and all. (Seriously, I’ve received pictures of broken Kindles after they were thrown at the ending of Driven). So more than anything, thank you to my readers. Thank you for taking a chance on this independent author and her debut novel—flaws, grammatical errors, and all. Thank you for talking about Driven, recommending it to your friends, creating FB pages and posting reviews anywhere and everywhere to help get the word out. You have no idea how much that kind of support means to a self-published author such as myself. So once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’ve read in numerous places that the second book of a trilogy is often the downfall—full of filler, fluff, and no real plot—all I can say is, I hope that Fueled lived up to and exceeded your expectations.

To the bloggers—the women who put endless hours into reading our books (good and bad), reviewing them, making collages for them, and promoting the hell out of them, just because of their love of books. For most of them, it’s their second job—the one they actually like—and they don’t do it for money or recognition, but because they love to be transported to another time and place. I’m not trying to kiss-up to them here, but rather thank them, because if it weren’t for their tireless passion, most of you would have had no idea that a book called Driven existed. So to the bloggers, thank you for pushing, promoting, joining Colton’s Cuties (aka the Driven Street Team), reviewing, and supporting the trilogy in general. Driven may have been a great story, but without you guys and your continued support, it might have lost momentum—so thank you!

There are few necessary shout outs I must make, and it doesn’t mean that other bloggers are less important, but just that these particular ones have helped me enormously in some way or another. Jenny and Gitte from Totallybooked: Where do I begin with you two? Thank you so much for answering the ridiculous PM’s from this newbie and treating me with the same respect as you would a New York Times best selling author. I appreciate the late/early chats, endless stickers, and words of wisdom—your kindness is immeasurable and your support astounding. I’m telling you, it’s the J&G effect! To Liz Murach with Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews: thank you for hosting a kick ass release week tour. Wow! Between the cover reveal and the actual tour, you knocked my socks off. Thanks to Autumn and Julie at AToMR for their incredible blog tour in September—as always, pure class. Thanks to Emily Kidman with TheSubClub for the endless encouragement and always when I seem to need it the most.

K.Bromberg's Books