Flock (The Ravenhood #1)(18)

Coming out and announcing I was the boss’s daughter was a stupid move, but I can’t take it back.

Head down, Cecelia. One year to freedom.

The second my watch goes off, Tyler moves from his seat next to me to shoot a game and Dominic takes his place, a magazine and leather bag in hand.

“Twenty minutes on the nose,” I compliment him as he unzips the bag and pulls out the contents, only to be met by more silence.

I heard they share women.

It’s been echoing in my head since Melinda said it. But with Dominic’s disposition, I can’t imagine any scenario like that. Or is it my presence that offends him to the point he’s closed off? He’s got an obvious problem with me, and that’s been evident since the moment we met.

Was that only last night? It seems like a lifetime ago, and yet I feel totally comfortable on Sean’s lap.

Dominic sets the magazine across his lap before pulling out blunt wraps and a large bag of ‘the weed.’

Growing up, I’ve never let myself get close enough to a group like this one. Always fearful of the repercussions. To them, this is just another night, to me, it’s like entering a whole new world.

“Where did you go and what are you thinking about?” Sean whispers from beneath me, his fingers brushing my arm, launching shivers in their wake.

I glance over my shoulder and our lips are only inches away when I answer. “Nothing, it’s been a long day.”

I feel him tense slightly as our eyes dance over each other in a dare. If he kissed me tonight, I would return it. That much I know. But the electricity surrounding me is enough. I’m drowning in testosterone, unsure where it’s all coming from. For the first time ever, I’m being a little reckless with my signals, and I’m not sure I care. Sean is the first to look away, but his finger runs down my arm, and I sense he got my message. It’s then I know, if he makes a move, it will be in private. I turn to scan the garage as they land in natural conversation, calling each other out like only family does, while Dominic skillfully rolls a blunt in his lap. I’m entranced while he soaks the paper with precise licks of his tongue, his eyes cast down, dark lashes flitting over his sculpted cheekbones. When his cloudy eyes lift to mine, and he runs his tongue carefully along the blunt seal, my lips part.

Fuck me.

Sean pulls me tighter to him, causing my legs to shift and Dominic curses, trying to save the weed spilling from the magazine resting in his lap. His eyes narrow on a laughing Sean. I sink into Sean’s hold, a wall of hard muscle behind me as Dominic’s tongue darts out again, skillfully re-wetting the paper.

Once it’s lit, the music is turned up, and the conversation gets louder. From that moment on, I get high, but I’m not sure from which part of contact. Probably all three.

I WAKE TO THE GENTLE caress of knuckles that sweep away the hair covering my face. I open my eyes to see Sean squatting before me, his hazel eyes filled with tenderness. I have no idea when I dozed off, but I catch the small amount of drool that threatens at the corner of my mouth as he gazes down at me.

“I’m going to let Dominic drive you home, and Tyler’s going to follow in your car.”

“What time is it?”

“A little past three.”

“Shit, I was out that long?” I straighten, running my hands through my hair. I’m trying to collect my wits when I get an inkling of being watched and glance up to meet Dominic’s stare. He’s observing our exchange closely. I reply to Sean with my eyes still on Dominic. “Why is he taking me?”

He follows my line of sight. “I live just a few miles away and I need to close this place down,” he replies gruffly.

I avert my gaze to him. “You don’t sound happy about it.”

He gives me that beaming smile as if he’s shaking off some irritation. “I wanted to take you.”

“So, you take me,” I say, hoarsely clearing the rest of the sleep from my voice. “You don’t work here anymore, right?”

“It’s just tonight,” he says, his jaw tightening.

“Okay.” I stand. “But I can drive myself.”

“Just let him take you,” he says insistently. “You were out for a while. That’s some potent shit you inhaled. Just to be safe.”

I feel a slight unease. My brain still a bit cloudy from being inside the garage bong for so many hours, so I nod. I haven’t mastered the mountainous roads, especially after nightfall, and I decide not to risk it.

Once outside, the fresh air hits as I follow a silent Dominic to a sleek black old body Camaro.

“Nice,” I say as he opens the passenger door and I glance over and meet Sean’s watchful gaze from where he’s standing in the doorway of the shop. I smile and wave goodnight and see his gaze drift from Dominic to me before he feigns a smile back at me. I’ve seen enough genuine smiles from Sean at this point to know the difference. He’s pissed. I glance over to Dominic and see his unforgiving stare on Sean before he ushers me inside his car and shuts the door. I’ve barely registered the exchange when Dominic slides into the driver’s seat and starts the Camaro. Loud music blares, making me jump in my seat as the engine’s purr tickles my senses. Dominic doesn’t bother to turn it down, but does the opposite, cranking it up to ears bleeding volume, ruining any chance of conversation.

Kate Stewart's Books