Flock (The Ravenhood #1)(17)

“Je ne parle pas fran?ais.” I don’t speak French.

He smirks, and I could die. It’s utterly perfect coming out of his full lips. The indifferent ire in his eyes licks me with every second that passes before I break our stare due to the intensity alone. Turning back to the garage, I stumble a little as I make my way toward the door seeing the guys huddled at the far end in the last bay, shooting pool on an old coin table. Sean finally spots me, his warm grin lighting me up. “See you in there?” I look back at Dominic, whose eyes are on me, his take on me impossible to read.

All I get is a nod.

AFTER EATING MY WEIGHT IN pizza, no doubt due to the buzz, I steal another look at Dominic, who went straight to work on a Chevy after entering the garage. His shirt has ridden up, giving me the perfect view of the ripples in his stomach along with a hint of his V while he lays on a roller on his back. The bay I assumed was for commercial use turned out to be an after-hours lounge set up with leather couches that surround the ancient, ratty green pool table.

Tonight’s gathering consists of Sean, myself, Russell, and Jeremy, whom I’ve learned also works at the garage with Dominic. I sit tucked into the corner of a long, beat-up, pleather couch next to Sean as Jeremy and Russell shoot a game. Southern rock croons softly in the background at Sean’s insistence. He’s to the left of me, his muscular thigh touching mine, arm draped behind me along the back of the couch. Between the heat of his body, his smell, and the sight of Dominic’s bare midriff just feet away, I’m having a horrible time keeping my hormones and accompanying imagination in check. But my pheromones must be working overtime because I can’t seem to escape the stares of the men I’m keeping company with either. I don’t flatter myself they’re interested, but just as curious about me as I am them and their collective raven tattoos.

Sean had said they were a promise, but I can’t imagine what that means.

I’ve timed my glances at Dominic, feeling a little like a creeper with the amount of attention I’m giving him. He’s the quietest, making him the most enigmatic of the four.

Much like Sean, it’s just not natural for a man to be so fucking enticing. As many times as I’ve glanced over, I haven’t managed to find a single thing my eyes disagree with.

“So, you hate the plant, huh, Pup?” Sean drawls as I watch Dominic sift through his toolbox.

“Stop calling me that,” I say, elbowing him in the ribs.

“Nope, the nickname stays.”

“It’s just…so fucking boring,” I sigh. “Good thing I’m a creative daydreamer.” I dart my eyes away from Dominic, just as his cold gaze lands on me from where he lays beneath the truck.

I look over at Sean still perched next to me. “But, I do like my supervisor.”

“Oh yeah?”


I have little time to appreciate the tension from our exchanged look when the door opens on the opposite side of the garage. Tyler stands in the threshold with a twelve-pack in his arms. “’Sup, fuckers?” His gaze zeroes on me, and his smile grows as I lift my hand in a little wave. He strides past the bays, lifting his chin in greeting.

“Hey, beautiful, you slummin’ it again tonight?” He pulls a joint from Jeremy’s fingers and takes a hit as Russell grabs the beer and adds it to a large cooler to ice it down.

“Not at all. And for the record, I grew up in a small ass house, not with a silver spoon in my mouth.”

Tyler’s eyes shine with interest as he moves to steal Sean’s place next to me.

“No room,” Sean says with an edge to his voice. A protective edge, and I can’t help the increase in my pulse because of it.

“You forget, I’m the problem solver,” Tyler lifts me easily and places me in Sean’s lap, and I sink into it.

I feel right at home with these guys, as if I’ve known them for far longer than two days. It’s the oddest thing. The only thing that feels out of place is the sensation coming from the man a few feet away. I’m overdue for a look when I let my eyes wander and see he’s watching Sean’s hands, his fingers, and how they’re casually curling around me.

And when he slowly lifts his gaze to mine—static.

Tyler glances down at Dominic. “When you going to cut out, Bro? It’s way past quitting time.”

He darts his eyes away from mine. “Twenty.”

“Is that exact?” I ask Dominic, who ignores my question.

“Probably,” Sean whispers on his behalf.

“Let’s clock him, shall we?” I set my watch to time him and Dominic shakes his head in annoyance. “So how long have you owned this garage?” I ask Dominic, trying to get him into the conversation.

“It’s a family thing,” Sean answers for him to spare me the rude silence of his reply. “Been around for years. Kind of like your family business.” There’s a hint of a grudge on his tongue. It’s becoming more apparent that my father isn’t the most loved man in Triple Falls. It’s really not a surprise. The looks I got today at the plant alone were enough to have me thinking of myself as an outcast. Not even in high school had I felt as much like one as I did today. I was thankful for merciful Melinda and Sean being there, otherwise I might have locked myself in the bathroom until my shift was over.

Kate Stewart's Books