Fauxmance (Showmance #2)(7)

Whatever that meant.

I mean, we all had curves. It wasn’t like skinny people had square bottoms.

When I was all set, I called a cab to take me to the show. It was a little overwhelming when I stepped out into the media frenzy covering the event. A lot of buzz had been generated around Suze after a well-known actress started wearing her clothes and posting pictures to Instagram. I was excited for her.

I was also excited to be here as Elodie. Maybe I’d summon up the courage to flirt with a man.

I clutched my bag tightly, palms sweaty as I gave my name to the lady at the door with the guest list.

“Oh, you can go through this way,” she said, gesturing to a side entrance. “Mrs. Lee said to direct you to the backstage area. She wants to see you before the show starts.”

I swallowed tightly. “Great, thank you.”

I walked down the crowded corridor, full of half-dressed models and frazzled looking assistants. When I found Suze, she was handing a shirt to a topless middle-aged male model. He was handsome and in good shape for his age, with black hair and salt and pepper stubble. I wondered if maybe I should try to flirt with him later. An older model might be less intimidating than the young ones, right?

As soon as Suze spotted me, her eyes lit up and a smile spread across her face.

“Elodie, you’re here! I’m so happy you came.” She threw her arms around my shoulders and hugged me tight.

“I couldn’t miss your show,” I told her, returning her smile.

“Come, let me introduce you to David. He’s Julian’s friend. Remember the guy from the coffee shop? I really lucked out stumbling upon him, let me tell you.”

Words got stuck in my throat as she ushered me over.

“David, I’d like you to meet my good friend, Elodie.”

His gaze found mine as he slid a tie around his neck, warmth in his eyes like he already knew me. It was odd. “Oh yes, Elodie, Julian told me about you.”

He did?

What was there to tell about a fifteen second, fumbling introduction?

“It’s a p-pleasure to meet you,” I said and shook his hand, just as one of Suze’s assistants scurried over.

“Mrs. Lee, you’re needed by the stage. The show starts in five minutes.”

“So soon!” she exclaimed, then looked to me. “I can’t believe this is finally happening. Come find me after, won’t you?”

“Of course, and good luck,” I replied as she rushed off.

David cleared his throat and I brought my attention back to him. Again, the knowledge in his gaze flustered me. “Elodie, could you do me a favour and straighten this tie? I can’t seem to get it right.”

My throat dried. “Sure.”

I reached out and quietly fixed his tie—something I’d done countless times for my brothers—only now I was a lot more nervous. David’s focus seared me.

“Have we met before?” I asked, not meeting his gaze. The intense way he studied me was off-putting.

“No, but don’t worry, a lot of people ask me that. I’ve got one of those faces,” he replied, like there was some inside joke I wasn’t aware of.

“That’s not it,” I mumbled.


“There you go. Straight as a whistle,” I said.

His brow furrowed at my odd turn of phrase. “That’s not the saying.”

I was already moving away. “A whistle is straight, isn’t it? Anyway, it was great to meet you, but I better go find my seat. Break a leg out there,” I rambled and left before he could say anything else. I had that panicked, spiders crawling down the spine feeling of everyone being on to me. For a moment, I felt like the word ‘fraud’ was stamped across my forehead, but then I found my seat and managed to take several calming breaths.

David didn’t know anything. I was being paranoid.

After a minute or two, the lights dimmed, and music started up. I got lost in the show, marvelling at how Suze managed to design such stunning outfits for both men and women. Her style was colourful and quirky, but somehow chic at the same time.

When Julian walked out, wearing a pastel shirt and funky print slacks, my jaw dropped. He really was stunning, and I wondered what he did for a living. I remembered him declining Suze’s offer at first, so he couldn’t have been an actual model, though he certainly had the looks for it.

The next time he walked out, he wore a long, tailored wool coat. As he neared the end of the catwalk, he removed the coat to show off the outfit underneath; a fitted jumper and stylish trousers. He also wore brown leather shoes with no socks. I noticed this was a real trend lately, but I wasn’t a fan. It just made me think of how sweaty your bare feet would be against the leather.


At least there was one part of him that wasn’t perfect. It helped break the spell his beauty cast over me.

I startled when I lifted my gaze and he was looking right at me. Our eyes locked and held for a split second before he turned around and another model took his place.

For the rest of the show, I had tingles.

Who was this guy? And why did I find him so intriguing/scary/mesmerising?

When it was over, Suze walked out to meet her audience and I stood to give her a round of applause. Her husband, Kenneth, who I’d only ever seen in photographs, came and handed her a huge bouquet of flowers.

L.H. Cosway's Books