Fauxmance (Showmance #2)(12)

“I think you get more handsome each time I see you,” she blurted.

I gave a pleased smile for the compliment. “That’s very kind of you to say. I hope you don’t mind that I ordered you a drink.”

She lifted the glass. “I never say no to a glass of wine. I’ll admit I’m a little nervous this time.”

“Why be nervous?” I asked and leaned forward so that we were close. “You set the pace. Whatever you’d enjoy doing tonight, I’m your willing participant.”

She swallowed nervously and glanced to the side. “Can I be honest?”

“Of course, always.”

“Well, what I’d really like to do is go dancing.”

I smiled wide. “I love to dance.”

“I didn’t know if you’d be up for something like that, or if tonight was all about…” she trailed off bashfully.


“Well, yes.”

“Like I said, this can be whatever you want it to be. We’re simply here to enjoy the pleasure of each other’s company.”

My words seemed to ease her stress as she swallowed a gulp of wine. “There’s a Latin night not too far from here.”

“Well then, that settles it. I dance a mean Paso Doble.”

The relieved anticipation in her smile was exactly what I’d been hoping for. “Thank you,” she whispered. I reached out to give her hand a brief, gentle squeeze.

“No thanks necessary. We’re going to have a fantastic night, I promise.”


It was Tuesday again and this time I had a reason to go see Elodie at the Polka Dot Café. I was in possession of a small diamond earring that belonged to the object of my obsession. I saw it on the floor after she pulled her disappearing act, twinkling under the light of the bulb overhead. I still didn’t understand why she had left so suddenly. Even I, who had many years’ experience getting up close and personal with the opposite sex, was at a loss to explain her behaviour.

When I arrived, both she and Suze were sitting at their usual table, deep in chat. I stepped up behind Elodie and carefully placed the earring down in front of her. “I believe this belongs to you,” I purred flirtatiously. She blinked at the earring then looked up at me.

“Oh. Thank you,” she breathed.

“I searched my entire apartment for that earring and you had it all along,” Suze commented with a slantways grin.

“Afraid so,” I said, eyes on Elodie. “I would’ve called to let you know I had it, but alas, I don’t have your number.”

“Well,” said Suze, smiling widely at her friend. “I’m sure we can remedy that. Give him your number, Elodie.”

Elodie took a sip of her coffee as though to delay answering. She seemed to be gathering her nerve before she glanced up at me, a twinkle in her eye. “I don’t go handing out my number to just anyone.”

Ah, there’s my girl. This was the first time I got to experience the real Elodie, the one I’d been watching for weeks, the one who oozed confidence and self-possession.

I pulled out a chair and sat. “I’ll have to work on not being just anyone to you then, won’t I?”

Suze laughed and eyed Elodie. “Oh, he’s smooth.”

“Smooth can sometimes be slippery,” Elodie murmured into her mug.

“And sometimes it’s velvety soft,” I countered, seductive. I hoped the dark look I gave her translated.

Suze fanned herself. “You two. It’s like watching the start of a porno. One with great production values.”

I chuckled. Elodie appeared to flush and I studied her, puzzled. Surely, a woman of her experience wouldn’t be embarrassed at a little bit of harmless flirting. The other night at Suze’s, there’d been a moment when I thought I had her, but then I lost her just as quickly. Maybe I should just leave her alone. She really didn’t seem to be very interested. And from the stories I’d spent weeks listening to, when Elodie was interested in a man, he knew about it.

I cleared my throat. “Well, I’ll leave you both to it. I just wanted to come and return the missing earring.”

“Nonsense! Stay and chat with us,” Suze argued, placing a hand on my arm. “I was so impressed with how well you and David did on the catwalk, especially given neither of you have experience.”

“True, but we both had our peacock phases, so we’re well adept at showing off.”

Elodie gave a small smile and I was glad to see I’d amused her. If she wasn’t interested in me romantically, then maybe we could be friends.

“Looking how you do, I’m not surprised,” Suze said. “I sometimes wonder what it’s like to be a devastatingly handsome man. Women must fall at your feet, and men for that matter.”

“Not always,” I said, casting a quick look at Elodie before I brought my attention back to her friend. “And besides, you’re a beautiful woman. It’s not so different for you, I’m sure.”

“A beautiful woman who’s married,” Suze sighed. “Come on, I’m trying to live vicariously here.”

“Well, I can’t really say whether or not people treat me differently, because I’ve always had this face. However, sometimes people let you get away with more simply because you’re pretty to look at.”

L.H. Cosway's Books