Fatal Reckoning (Fatal #14)(25)

“We haven’t had a chance to even talk about the trip,” Sam said.

“Eh, it was fine. The highlights were meeting the queen and the pope. Otherwise, it was meetings, dinners, photos, glad-handing. A lot of it was boring because my two favorite people weren’t there with me.”

“Maybe we can do something this summer when I’m on vacation,” Scotty said.

“I’ll let them know we’d be up for that if Mom can get the time off.”

“I’ll get the time off.” She’d been encouraged to see Gonzo looking and sounding more like his old self than he had in months after one week in rehab. Maybe by the summer, he’d be ready to be left in charge for a few weeks so she could get away with the guys.

“We have to go back to the beach again too,” Scotty said.

“That’s a given,” Sam said.

“Best vacation ever,” Nick said.

“One of the best.” She winked to remind him of Bora-Bora and the times they’d had there for their honeymoon and first anniversary.

“One of the best.”

They were escorted into the hotel a short time later. As they walked through the lobby, everything seemed to stop and all eyes turned to them.

“Goldfish,” Nick muttered, referring to his frequent comment that being vice president was like being a goldfish in a glass bowl. Everyone was always looking at him and them when his family was with him. Always the politician, he gave a little wave to the people who stared at them but didn’t stop moving so they wouldn’t be encouraged to approach.

Today wasn’t for the public. Today was for the family and friends gathered in the rooftop ballroom who awaited their arrival. For the first time in days, Sam was ravenously hungry and sat with her sisters to eat delicious roast beef, chicken, potatoes and steamed vegetables.

“I feel like I could eat the entire buffet,” Sam said.

“Me too,” Tracy said. “I haven’t eaten more than a few bites in days, but now I want everything in sight.”

In contrast, Angela pushed the food around on her plate with a decided lack of enthusiasm.

“You okay, Ang?” Sam asked.

“I feel kind of sick inside.”

“Heartsick or physically sick?” Tracy asked.

“Some of both, maybe.” She glanced up at them with watery eyes. “I was going to tell you guys, but then everything with Dad happened.”

“Tell us what?” Sam asked, stricken with fear of another looming disaster.

“I think I might be pregnant again.” Angela winced as she said the words, which made Sam feel awful.

“Ang… Don’t do that. It’s fine. I swear. I have Scotty and the twins now and baby Noah underfoot every day. I’m okay, and I’m thrilled for you and Spence.”

“I’m glad you are.” Angela dabbed at her eyes. “This one was definitely not planned.”

“But it’s still a blessing,” Tracy said. “And we’re all in bad need of some good news right now.”

“It breaks my heart that this baby will never get to know Dad,” Angela said.

“He or she will know him through us,” Sam said.

“Won’t be the same,” Angela said.

“Nothing will be,” Tracy said bluntly, “but we have to keep doing what we’ve always done and make him proud of us by taking care of each other.”

Nick approached their table. “Sam, Graham and Laine were hoping for a chance to say hello.”

“Duty calls.” Sam leaned in to kiss Angela’s cheek as she got up.

Nick escorted her across the crowded room to where Graham and Laine were seated with Leo, Stacy, Terry and Lindsey. “Everything okay?”

“Angela is pregnant and sad that Dad won’t get to meet the new baby.”

“Well, that’s some big news.” He took a careful look at her, as if to gauge her reaction to yet another baby in their midst while she continued to be unable to conceive.

“I’m fine.”

They had a nice visit with Graham and Laine, who’d been like adopted parents to Nick over the years. And Sam finally got a chance to thank Terry for his efforts to get Nick home as quickly as possible the other day.

“I wish it could’ve been faster.”

“We appreciated the effort.”

After the O’Connors left, Freddie came over to talk to her. “How’re you doing?”

“I’m okay.” Sam felt like she’d said those words a thousand times over the last few days. She kept looking around for Skip and his wheelchair, thinking there was something she should be doing for him. Knowing he was finally at peace helped, even as she burned with the need to get back to work and start pulling every thread she could find in pursuit of justice on his behalf.

Freddie eyed her with concern. “It was a beautiful tribute.”

“That it was. I’m going back to work tomorrow with one goal in mind.”

“I’ll be there to help.”

“You’re on vacation until Monday.”

He returned her fierce stare with an equally fierce look. “I’ll be there to help.”

Realizing there was no point in arguing with him, she nodded.

“Everyone’s going to O’Leary’s after this to raise a glass to Skip. Can you come?”

Marie Force's Books