Fanchon's Book(35)

"Hah! You already had it, sweetie. A big occasion, you said. Our first night. Okay, so it's a big occasionally it's going to be bigger than you thought. Fanchon, our first night doesn't end till morning; is that all right with you?"

"Morning? I-I'll try, but I doubt if-"

Her hand shot out to my breasts. I yelped in alarm as she caught a nipple between her thumb and forefinger; the yelp subsided to a moan as she squeezed slowly and my alarm turned to pain.

"Shut up, bitch! Shut up or I'll think you're complaining. I told you the going might get rough, didn't I? We'll be up all night and you'd better be on your toes. You're going to do everything for me, just like you said. You want to bathe my beautiful body, huh? You want to take care of your doll-baby, huh? Wake up, then. Look alive."

"Yes. I'll do it. Whatever you say. I'll go fix the tub.

But I can't move when you're pinching me like that."

"Hurts, huh? Okay, I guess it served its purpose."

Her grip relented. "You're awake now, I see. You feel all right? I sure hope so-because I need a healthy slave tonight, a lively one. Get up now and carry me to the bathroom."

It didn't register. Not with much meaning, at least. My bruised nipple ached; a congestion of apprehensive images sloshed around in the pea-soup fog of my befuddled brain; I looked into the glittering green eyes and saw no pity-and then I knew she meant it. Carry her to the bathroom? Impossible. But I had to try. Or elseThe punishing hand reached again, but I was already following orders. Lifting her. Tottering. Struggling under the burden and praying that I wouldn't collapse.

"No! Fanchon, put me down." She slipped away from my arms and stood upright on the bed. "You're not strong enough. You almost dropped me. Here, turn around. Carry me piggyback." She laughed on a sudden shrill note and clambered upon my back. "Grab my legs, quick, hold me, oh yes, you can be my piggy. You're always hungry anyway; you want to eat me, piggy? Let's go. Into the bathroom."

I heard the sharp snap of her fingers, peremptory; it crackled in my ear and roused me to action. More stirring yet was the clutch of her thighs, the hot skin rubbing; and between them, tickling, jostling up and down in rhythm with my steps, the still-wet tuft of hair, a paintbrush dipped in excitement: I could feel the cumulative effect of its touch spread over my body like a glowing coloration. Again? So soon? It was nothing short of a miracle, but I couldn't deny my own senses.

She had her arms around my neck. Her hands flirted with my breasts and then grasped them tightly. It hurt a little, but I didn't mind-not even when the pressure increased, oh no, I was beginning to like it; my swollen breasts were being mashed and responding as if they were begging for more. My sore nipple became a pointed source of excitation, biting into the enclosing palm and suffering a kind of delicious martyrdom.

Pleasure in pain? in vividly tangible pain? Of course-and why should I even think it strange? Wasn't it obvious that my sensual capacities were unlimited? Oh, I had so much to learn and my darling Kristi would teach me all of it; our love was a many-textured thing; the heat In my breasts merged with the heat of my loins and I was glad now that I had learned how to suck and how to be a piggy and carry my greedy little piglet (oh yes, a greedy piglet, just as greedy to be eaten as I was to eat her) and take her into the bathroom where we could"Fanchon, here. I gotta go."


"Set me down, you idiot. On the toilet. Turn around, that's it. But gently, gently-uh-uh-now quick-as a reward for being such a nice piggy, get down on your knees and kiss me… " And then with a squirming motion that found my open mouth and just as suddenly withdrew from it, "Only a nibble, that's all you get. Now go fix my bath."

Zane Pella's Books