Fanchon's Book(34)

Oh, the doing was fine, too; I was beyond caring about the unbathed condition of the body I worshiped. Should a little sweat and slime deter a slave from duty? My face dipped deep and remained submerged even when the clenched thighs loosened and she hooked her heels over my back to hang suspended and smear herself against my chin, my cheeks, her pelvic grind-and-thrust serving up hairy mouthfuls for me to gorge upon. When I managed to take a breath, her heavy odor intoxicated me in its heady envelopment; I inhaled the stench of lust and perspiration and responded as if it were perfume.

Fingernails nipped my shoulders. The bare heels pounded my back like soft-knobbed drumsticks upon a tympanum. She was nearing it, the peak, the final spasm that would trigger mine; I gobbled frantically (yes, gobbled; hadn't I called for tartar steak?) and cast skill and caution aside in a last-ditch effort to consume and be consumed. I heard the noise from inside her, the visceral gasp, the signal of orgasm-and then my own climax struck and I knew nothing but the velvet darkness sweeping in and"Hey! Don't pass out!"


"Wake up, Fanchon. Come alive."

"Didn't you… uh, darling, didn't you make it?"

"Sure, I made it, but that's no reason for you to fall apart. Don't you know how to suck? You're supposed to let me down gently. Keep on lapping for a while. Slow and easy."

"I-I thought you were dropping off to sleep."

"The hell you did. You just got wrapped up in your own little blast and forgot about me. What kind of slave is that?"

"Oh. I'm sorry. You want me to… ummm… "

"Now you're getting the idea. Uh-uh. Like that. No, give me some more tongue, I want to feel it down there. Nice and soft. And make a thorough job of it, huh?-like you were swabbing me clean. That's the way I want you to do it all the time. At the end, I mean. After I come."

I shuddered. So brash, so bossy, such an arrogantly vulgar lecture: the harangue of a guttersnipe delivered with the hauteur of a goddess. But she was quite right, of course, she had caught me napping (literally!) and I had to atone for my sin of omission; I bent to my task in abject humiliation, crushed by her criticism and determined to make my slavish apology a satisfactory one. Nor was it a simple matter, either, considering my state of exhaustion.

"Good, good. You're learning. But that's enough for now. Sit up, Fanchon. Do you think you'll be able to remember it next time?"

"I'll remember."

"You'd better. I might not be so patient about it if I have to tell you again."

"You-you weren't very patient just then."

"Oh?" Her frown was fierce. "You're complaining?"

"No-no. Not really."

"Smarten up, Fanchon. What have you got to complain about? You're only getting what you asked for. You like what we're doing, don't you? If not, well… "

"Please… I-I obeyed you, didn't I? I'll do whatever you say, but please don't be angry."

"Okay. As long as we understand each other. I just don't want to hear you griping when the going gets rough." She stretched contentedly and sat up. "Hey, I feel pretty good now. How about you? Too tired to give me that bath you promised?"

"I'm tired-but' if it's what you want… " I shrugged and swung my feet to the floor. "I'll get the tub ready."

"Wait a minute. You do look kind of worn out. Maybe you'd rather go to sleep, huh?"

"Well… " With a wan smile, "Do I have a choice?"

Zane Pella's Books