Family Camp (Daddy Dearest, #1)(71)

Being the only “out” gay player in the major leagues had meant constant scrutiny and critique. Every interview was about that. Travis had held his ground, proved it was possible, but when his contract was up, he was more than ready to move on, get his private life back.

They’d spent months discussing options, trying to figure out how and where they could live together. But both the kids loved San Diego when they’d gone to visit, and Travis’s house was plenty big enough for all of them, with a guest cottage on the grounds for James and Ida or Geo’s parents, Susan and Jim, to visit for weeks at a time. So that’s where they’d ended up.

Geo found a teaching job there, and the kids liked their new schools. Travis was taking classes at San Diego State University to earn his degree so he could coach, but he wasn’t in any hurry. He enjoyed having a flexible schedule so he could pick up the kids from school and go to Jayden’s games.

And then there was camp. Travis came up with an itinerary for a full week of a baseball camp at Camp Evermore. They put it on the camp’s website, and it sold out within a day and had had a mile-long waiting list. The camp was designed for kids, but they had dozens of emails begging for a baseball camp for adults too. Travis talked to some other retired ball players about participating in a VIP training camp, and they were all for the idea. He was putting together a high-end session for next year.

Spending more time at Camp Evermore was fine with Geo. Sitting there at the campfire with Travis next to him, Lucy on his lap, Jayden across the fire being a teenaged boy tentatively dancing around his first summer crush, and all the amazing Mayhews nearby—Geo thought it was pretty much his favorite place on earth.

The s’mores didn’t hurt.

That night after the kids were in bed, Geo sat on the porch steps of the Mayhew cabin waiting for Travis to come in. It was a beautiful night, warm and sultry. There was a slight breeze that made the air feel like a caress. He tilted his head back and looked at the stars for a long while.

Damn. They were really far up there. So constant and bright.

When he finally looked down again, he saw a shape standing on the path a short way from the porch. He startled for a moment until he realized it was Travis.

Geo laughed. “What are you doing standing there?”

“Building up my nerve.” Travis’s voice was tight.

“Building up your nerve for what?”

Travis walked closer slowly. When he was a foot from Geo, he dropped to one knee and opened a small box. It contained a solid gold band.

Oh my God. Geo’s heart thumped hard against his ribs. “W-what?”

“Shhh. Just let me say it.”

Geo clamped a hand over his mouth, sure he was going to scream.

Travis took an audible breath. “There’ll never be anyone I love the way I love you. No one could ever fit me the way you do. Now that Jayden’s and Lucy’s adoption is final, I wondered if you might have room in that big heart of yours for—” He swallowed. “—for one more?”

“Oh, you bastard,” Geo whispered shakily before throwing himself on Travis like a falling tree.

“Is that a yes?” Travis asked, laughing, and trying not to get knocked over.

“Yes. Yes. You crazy person. Of course I want to marry you.”

“Forever,” Travis said.



Eli Easton's Books