Family Camp (Daddy Dearest, #1)(68)

“Awesome! I’m Brittney. You should come hang out with the wives and girlfriends.”

“Wow, that would be so much fun,” Geo said with exaggerated enthusiasm and no hint of panic. “But Travis’s family is here, and I’m hanging out with them. So.”

“Well, at least come say ‘hi.’ I know everyone is dying to meet you!”

Brittney took Geo’s wrist—those nails were truly alarming—and all but dragged him around. She introduced him to an array of beautiful women. Most of them were either friendly, curious, or gushingly enthusiastic. Only a few gave him a clear snub, but whatever. They didn’t look like anyone he wanted to know.

He was invited to a dozen upcoming events and told repeatedly how gorgeous Travis was. Also popular was “I had no idea,” “We were shocked,” and “I bet you guys are so cute together.” A stunning, dark-skinned Amazon named Jane told him she’d tried to set Travis up so many times it wasn’t funny, laughing at herself. Apparently her husband Lyon was good friends with Travis. Jane and Lyon had a gorgeous little girl about Lucy’s age, and Geo thought it would not suck to hang out with them sometime, as Jane suggested. Not being based in San Diego made that difficult, of course.

Being a middle school teacher from Fresno living on a modest salary also made that difficult. All in all, it was a lot more positive than Geo had expected. But he felt like a guppy in a tank of exotic fish. This was a world he knew nothing about and wasn’t in any position to become a part of. He was relieved to return to the Mayhews. James handed him a cold beer and winked. “For courage.”

“Amen to that, brother.” Geo took a swig.

James patted his shoulder. “It’s all about Travis in the end. Supporting him. Everything else is noise.”

“Yeah,” Geo agreed, shaking the tension out of his shoulders. “We’re here for Travis.”

“You’ve never seen him play before?” James asked, sounding proud.

“Nope. I’m excited. And weirdly nervous.” He was nervous as hell, actually. As though it would be him down there in the spotlight pitching balls.

“Well, let me tell you, Geo,” James said in his voice of wisdom. “I’ve been to hundreds of Travis’s games, from Little League through the minors and then the majors. And I always get nervous.”

Geo smiled. “Really? So stage-struck by proxy is a thing.”

James nodded. “Absolutely. But try not to worry and just enjoy. Travis knows what he’s doin’.”

When they went to get their seats, James led to way to the VIP section. He and Ida sat on one side of Geo, and Cindy, Shelby and Malcolm on the other side of Jayden and Lucy.

Christ, the Mayhews were awesome. He really appreciated them being there for his first game. Because, holy hell, it was overwhelming.

When the team ran out into the field, there was big applause. Travis got cheers. And if there were some distant boos in the crowd, Geo couldn’t hear them over the enthusiastic screaming in his section. Jayden had made up a “Travis dance” and he and Lucy did it enthusiastically. Geo took a video to show Travis later. It was so cute.

The game was much more intense than Geo expected. Travis pitched six innings, had eight strikeouts, and only allowed two runs…which apparently was all very good. He seemed amazing to Geo, of course. They all did. But it was nice to see Travis out there just focusing on the game, which was what he kept telling Geo he wanted to do.

It was the bottom of the sixth inning when Jayden elbowed him and pointed to the big stadium screen. There they were, on the huge Kiss Cam. The chyron underneath read, “Travis Mayhew’s boyfriend and family.”

Travis Mayhew’s boyfriend. Geo felt his face burn. There were aws and some catcalls from the crowd, but mostly the fans were involved with the game and didn’t see it or didn’t care. The world of gossip had moved on, after all. Now a grown child actor’s S&M sex video was getting all the viral media clicks. And all Geo had to say about that was, thank God for ball gags.

“Look, we’re on the big TV!” Jayden said loudly. “We are, like, totally famous now. Holy crap, Geo!”

“Holy crap,” Geo agreed solemnly.

He’d never in his life had the ambition to be famous or have a famous partner. In fact, he’d rather have all his hair removed using hot wax. But. If Travis was what he got out of the deal, he would take it. And, fortunately, the Kiss Cam left them alone after that.

The Padres won 3 to 2. Geo and the Mayhews cheered for all they were worth. Jayden stood up on his seat and high-fived everyone in his radius, strangers included. Afterward, Geo followed the Mayhews down below the stands and past security to the hallway outside the locker rooms where they could greet the players. They waited twenty minutes for Travis while other players came out and greeted their families.

When Travis appeared, he looked like he’d just gotten out of the shower. Geo could tell he was nervous—it was in the stiff set of his smile, in the way he didn’t look around but zeroed right in on them as he walked over.

He hugged his dad and mom, then turned to Geo. He gave him a one-armed hug and kissed the side of his head. It wasn’t too fast or too slow, but totally normal. In the background, cameras flashed like Fourth of July fireworks.

Geo’s throat got thick with emotion. He almost couldn’t believe the guy he’d first met at Family Camp, the one who was no-way, no-how coming out, was doing this. Geo knew Travis wasn’t doing it for his sake. Travis had been forced into a corner and he’d chosen not to lie, but to stand tall—for himself. But even if he hadn’t chosen the moment, the way he’d handled it since then was everything. That was Geo’s definition of integrity and bravery.

Eli Easton's Books