Fallen Crest High(158)

Who did he think he was now because he was privy to information about my family?

Becky and Lydia's heads squashed together, but Adam tugged me backwards, away from them. He spoke in my ear, "Calm down. Mark didn't mean anything by it."

I hissed out, "He doesn't know me. He doesn't know anything and now he's talking to me about my life? Who the hell does he think he is?"

He gave me a pained smile. "He's my friend and he wants to get to know you."

"What?" I stared up at him. "Why?"

"Because he wants to break the news that he thinks his mom and Coach are going to get hitched, but he doesn't know how to."

"What?!" Everything in me sunk at that moment.

"Yeah." Adam raised a hand down the backside of his head and rubbed at his neck. "He thinks you should know, but I guess it's supposed to be a spontaneous thing. He's going to be family, Sam. And he's stepping out from Miranda's wrath."

I closed my eyes. I couldn't do anything else. And I stood there.

Adam reached for my shoulders to pull me close. I shrugged him off. And I could hear the bitterness in his voice. "Look, Stewart doesn't want any of us to be friends with you, much less talk to you. I told her to go to hell and so did Mark. He's doing this for his mom and for Coach and, in some weird way, for you too. He feels bad about your situation."

I spoke through gritted teeth, "I don't care about being in the Elite."

"I know. We all know that and I think that pisses Miranda off the most, but it doesn't change the fact. You've got another year at the Academy, much less the rest of this year. Look, the girls won't go against Miranda. They might not all agree with her, but they won't go against her. If you—"

A hand wrapped my waist and pulled me backwards. I closed my eyes because I didn't need to look. Heat and lust washed over me when Mason urged me to turn around with a hand on my hip. I met his gaze once and when I saw the smoldering depths there, I knew the game was up. I was swept against his chest and burrowed there as he started to rub my back while the other one cradled my head to him. He spoke over me, "You're starting to piss me off, Quinn."

Adam's hostility was evident. "I'm friends with her friends. What do you expect of me, Kade?"

Mason's arm tightened on my back. He swept down and started to massage the side of my hip, grinding me against him in the same motion. My heart pounded and the need started to throb again. I gasped against his chest and started to move with him.

"Isn't that…convenient." Acid dripped from Mason's voice.

"What's going on?"

Some of the tension left Mason at the sound of his brother's voice.

"Mase, why you holding my girlfriend?" He sounded bright, cheery. Then he turned serious. "Ah, got it. Truth time, huh? Quinn, why are you always around Sam? You must have a boner every time you talk to her, or think about her, smell her… Do you use your mom's lotion? The pretty smelling stuff when you jerk it?"

"Um…" Becky was hushed immediately. "No, I won't shut up. What's going on?


My eyes snapped open, but I knew I couldn't turn around. It was all over my face. I'd been in his arms for a minute and I wanted to drag him to a bedroom.

My face was heated and I could imagine what the rest of me looked like.

They'd call me a whore after this and it would stick. I knew it.

When I started to turn, Mason kept me in place. His voice was rough as he clipped out, "Stay away from her Quinn. If you keep trying to get in her pants, we're going to have a problem."

Tijan's Books