Fallen Crest High(155)

"Logan, shut the hell up!" Mason smacked him in the back of his head.

He came back up with a brighter smile. "And I'm proven right, again! You guys should hire me for this talent I have. Mom, I bet you have a better sex life with that Garrett dude than you did with dad."


He turned towards James. "And dad, I bet your sex life is pretty good with Analise. She strikes me as the slutty type."


He grinned broadly. "And David…I don't know you that well, but you strike me as conservative. You're only going to be with a conservative woman, maybe one that looks exotic though. I can tell you have control issues. You don't like anyone who is wilder than you, probably why you had problems with your ex, huh? As for the current one, she's hot under the covers, but I don't know if you want her to be." He shook his head in sympathy. "You might want to take care of that."

David frowned as he looked away.

"And Garrett," Logan tsked tsked him in approval. "You're a wild one, I can tell.

That's why I know Mason's got a good one. You and Analise both are hot ones in bed. I can tell. It's why my mom and dad like the both of you. Both of them are vanilla in bed, I bet. I'm sorry about that. I bet the two of you had wild sex together." He shook his head in wonderment. "Two of the same types rarely work out, too much drama. A wild one and a vanilla one always go the distance. They balance each other out."

Garrett chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment as he regarded the sudden outburst. Then he nodded in approval. "I like you. You speak the truth.

Inappropriate, but the truth."

Logan puffed out his chest. Then the smirk dropped from his face and he clipped out, "Good. Then leave Sam and Mason the f*ck alone. You've screwed up our lives enough."

Mason slid him a look. "I was going to get to that. I was waiting for the right time."

Logan looked annoyed. "Whatever. I had enough being quiet."

I slid my eyes towards him and he saluted me before he dropped back on the couch. "Continue on as you were…" He pretended to bow to them as he opened another beer, and passed one to Mason.

I caught mine as I sat on the couch with him.

Mason slid down beside me and Logan curled an arm around my shoulder. He drawled against my cheek, "It'll throw them off. Their visionary senses will tell them we're screwing and they'll get confused." His hand slid down towards my breast.

Mason warned, "Don't even try it, Logan. I'm the fighter, remember?"

His hand slid back up to my shoulder. He gave me a pat. "Threesome fearsome. No one stands a chance."

I grinned at him. "What about Nate?"

He tapped his beer with mine. "When he's around, it's the foursome fearsome.

You can add any 'some to that name. Thank goodness, huh?" Then he groaned.

"I really need to get laid tonight."

Mason tipped his head back. I felt the tension in his body and reached for his hand.

Logan leaned forward. "We might be having that party in your suite." Then we looked at the room as their voices were raised at each other. "Something's telling me the adults aren't going anywhere tonight."

My mom chose that moment to lift her hands in the air. "I don't care what you think I've done wrong in my parenting. I've been the one there for her all her life."

I closed my eyes. It was going to be a long night. I already knew it.

Tijan's Books