Fallen Crest High(148)

"She's the other woman." I slid my fingers through his hair and took hold. As he started to rest his forehead against my stomach, I raised his face to look up.

His eyes were bleak. "She wasn't before and it's complicated."

"It's always complicated."

"Your mom was the other woman too. My dad was the other man."

My heart started to pound again. When I heard a slight condemnation in his tone, I was breathless as I asked, "Is that what you think is normal?"

Would he cheat like they all did?

"Cheating?" A dark loathing flared over his face and I stepped back in reaction.

It was intense. It rattled me for a second. "Cheaters are weak. They're selfish and they're cowards. No, I'm not a cheater and I never intend to be." He focused on me. "Why? Are you?"

A laugh ripped out of me. My hand reached for him again and I closed a fist over his hair. "After my mother, now my biological dad, and what Jeff did to me? Are you kidding me?"

His eyes softened and he slid a hand underneath my shirt. "People don't know what they're made of until they're tested. You need to pull yourself out of a situation and think of the collateral damages, if it's worth it."

"You speak from experience?"

He grinned and leaned forward to kiss my stomach. My shirt was lifted higher and he started to tug me down onto him. Both of his hands went around my back and up to my shoulders as he pressed me down. I sunk down and felt him harden between my legs. He kissed his way around my neck to my lips and whispered against them, "I had a girlfriend once."

I wound both arms around him and held him against me, tighter than I knew I could. "Oh yeah?"

"She cheated on me." He leaned back and waited for my reaction.


He laughed and nipped at the corner of my mouth. His lips nibbled their way around my lips before he opened against them. His tongue touched the corner of my lips and I opened for him. He swept inside and his hand gripped the back of my head to hold me still. The ache started to throb inside of me and I squirmed against his lap. I needed to get closer, I had to.

Then he pulled back and fell against the bed. He gazed at me with lust in his eyes. They darkened as he nudged me higher on his waist. "My friend, Marissa.

She cheated on me."

"Are you joking?" I frowned at him.

He laughed and lifted my shirt over my head. "Yeah, I am about her. I didn't date Marissa. I had a few other girlfriends and most of them cheated, but I wasn't surprised. I wasn't dating them for their caliber, if you know what I mean?"

"You didn't cheat on them?" His hand slid to my back and he tipped me down to him. I was breathless as my head landed on his shoulder where I turned and licked. My body stretched as his hands slid to my bottom. He cupped my cheeks and grinded me against him.

"I've never cheated. Being faithful was one thing I valued as I grew up. I made my mind long ago that I'd never be like my dad. I'd never do that to a woman I respected, even to someone I didn't respect. I won't lower myself to those standards."

I whispered against the side of his mouth, "Logan cheats."

He caught my mouth with his and whispered back, his lips brushed against mine, "Not if he loves the girl and I don't give a damn what he does." Then his mouth took command of mine and I was lost after that.

I tipped my head back, but I was blind with lust. As his hand slid to my pants and he slipped two fingers inside of me, my throat was full. I couldn't talk anymore and I groaned when he rolled me underneath him.

Tijan's Books