Fallen Crest High(146)

"You think you're the coach that we're going to respect? Did you raise Samantha with Disney movies too?" Mason's tone was mocking and it sent chills down my back. His arm wasn't moving around my waist.

David moved back a step and he sounded sorry when he spoke. "I think of the men you could've been under my watch. You would've been twice the men you are now."

Logan had grown quiet, but Mason let go of my waist and moved me behind him. He was face to face with my father now and his tone had gentled. "You think we're two kids who grew up with bad parenting, but you're wrong. I might not respect my dad, but I love him and I respect my mother. You've never met her. You don't know a damn thing about Logan and me, but you're reaching for straws. I don't like you, but you're a great coach. I've watched you too and I know you're a great coach, but your players don't respect you, sir. They listen to you because you motivate them, but don't misunderstand that. They don't respect you. If they did, Quinn would never treat Samantha how he does. She's a prize to him. You want to paint us as the bastards that grew up with no competition. You want to paint our dad as someone less than you, but you couldn't be farther from the truth. We grew up knowing who we're going to have to deal with during our lives and guys like you, guys like Quinn are a dime a dozen. They're around every bend in the road. Logan and I aren't stupid enough to buy the crap most adults try to sell."

He turned and met my gaze. I flinched under his stare, but held it. He was looking for something inside of me and I knew I couldn't look away. I couldn't quake or tremble so I settled my nerves, stood upright, and lifted my jaw. My eyes were hard as I stared back at him.

Mason turned back to my father. "I respect you as a coach, but I don't respect you as a man. You should've never let Sam go."

The fallen look on my dad would haunt me forever. That knowledge trembled inside of me and I turned away to press into Mason's arms. He swept me up and pressed a kiss against my forehead. As he deposited me in his vehicle, I didn't hear anything. Logan should've been laughing. My dad should've been yelling. I should've been crying, but there was nothing. Just silence.

It echoed throughout my body.


We went to their hotel. It was some ritzy place. I didn't care and I trudged behind them as we rode the elevator to their top floor. Of course they'd be staying in the top suite, it only made sense, but as we got there Mason pressed a different button. Logan got off and gave us a salute with a cocky smirk. "See you later." The elevators slid to a close on his words and we rode the elevator down two floors. It stopped on the one between and as it opened, I stepped back into Mason's side.

Garrett stood there, waiting for the elevator. His shocked gaze swept over me and then Mason. He murmured in a fake Southern drawl, "A bee's bit my asscheeks to be seeing you here. How are ya?"

I pressed my forehead into Mason's side and his hand swept around me. He answered for me. "Who are you?"

"Her dad."

I flinched at his tone.

I heard the smile in Mason's voice. "Really?"

"Aren't you Helen's kid?"

"What about her?"

I jumped at the sudden intensity in Mason's voice, but his hand swept up and down my back. He held me against him.

"Nothing. I like your mother. She's quite a woman."

"I think so."

"So how do you know my daughter?"

Mason chuckled. "That's something you can ask her when she's ready for questions."

Tijan's Books