Fallen Crest High(107)

Tanya came around the corner in a tight white tee shirt, low cut v neck, and slinky jeans. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed against his back. "She's not my sister. I can't call her that."

Logan held still as she continued to press against him, then he smirked at me.

"Sorry, sis. Someone else is needing my attention."

After he deposited me back on my feet, I smoothed out my clothes. "Somehow I think I'll get over it. Thank you, Tanya."

She gave me a blinding smile as Logan swept her up instead. "No problem, Sam. See you." She started giggling as he skipped out the door with her.

"Hey." Mason came around the corner with a duffel bag over his shoulder. He bent and picked up my two. "You're riding with me. Your quarterback took off this morning."

"You have room?"

He flashed me a grin as he held open the door with his shoulder. I ducked around him and tried to ignore the flare of warmth that sizzled through me.

"Nate's headed back home today and he's taking Marissa with him."


I wasn't sure if I was disappointed.

"Yeah." He threw all of the bags in the back of his Escalade and slammed it shut again. I wasn't surprised to see it was full with other bags. "And your buddy can come too, but I don't want her talking to me. She can talk to you, that's fine, but no questions to me."

I gave him a salute.

"Very funny."

"I thought so." I couldn't hold back a small grin before I went and told Becky the news. And as I expected, when I found her with a plate full of pancakes and muffins, she dropped all of it and started screaming.

"Three hours in the same car as Mason Kade!" She grabbed my arms and started jumping up and down.

"Ugh. Stop." Pain seared through me. I backed away and tried to hold down whatever last meal I'd had. "I am never ever going to get in another fight again."

"You better not drink like that then."

"That too."

Becky giggled behind her hands. "I'm sorry, Sam. It's so exciting."

I shook my head. "You can't talk to him, you know."

She nodded. Her smile couldn't be wiped off.

"You're a bit strange in the head."

"You already told me that once," Becky informed me as she followed me out to the car. It was as if she'd never been hungover. The Becky I woke up beside had transformed at the news of our car ride. Energy flowed out of her and I sighed. It was going to be a long drive.

I needed coffee.


Mason dropped us off at school. My bag stayed in his backseat, but Becky tugged hers out. When he asked what time to pick me up, she started giggling.

We glanced over and she saluted us with her hand. "I'll find my own ride home. Thanks." Then she pivoted on her feet, clapped her heels together, and marched off.

He gave me an unreadable look and I sighed. "She's tired and…snarky…"

He shook his head. "I don't care. What time do you want me here?"

I scratched the back of my head. "Uh…quarter after three?"

"Done. See you." And he zoomed away.

As I turned and headed after Becky, I caught a lot of stares from those who lingered in the parking lot. Then when I entered the hallway, I got even more.

I groaned as I glanced at my phone. It was a little after noon—lunch hour. No wonder there'd been so many around their cars.

Tijan's Books