Fallen Crest High(104)

"hh..whassis?" Becky blinked at me rapidly as she struggled to keep her mouth from hanging open. She wiped at her eyes and sat further up. "What happened? Where am I?"

I chuckled, surprised at the hoarseness of my voice. "My guess is that we're hungover." I grimaced as I sat down on a couch. My rear was sore so I moved even slower because of it. "What happened to my face?"

Becky choked out a gasp and covered her face as she fell back against the bed.

I winced against the pain. My whole face was now throbbing. "Tell me I didn't make a fool out of myself."

She groaned as she stopped whimpering. "It hurts to laugh."

"Tell me about it. It hurts to breathe."

She raised her hand to brush back some of her hair, but it dropped to her lap with a thump. "Everything's so hard right now. This sucks."

"Becky." I cleared my throat. "My face. What happened?"

"Oh, that."

"Yes, that."

She tried to hide a yawn, but it won in the end. After she finished, she started to yawn again. "I don't really know what happened, but you had to go to the bathroom so we snuck off somewhere. You kept saying you knew about a private bathroom. I dunno."

I groaned on the inside. I'd probably been trying to find Mason's room.

She added with a sour look on her face, "Anyway, we finally found a room and we snuck in. We didn't know whose it was, but then that girl who was attached to Mason's hip was in there and that girl, Tanya's cousin, was in there too."

I sat up straighter, or I would've. Pain seemed to slice through me with each movement I made.

"What was her name again?"

"Tate," I rasped out.

"Oh yeah!" She started to smile, but it died right away. "Tate was in there and she was being really mean to that girl, who for being Mason's girlfriend, doesn't have any fight at all. The girl just took it and she was standing there crying. She kept saying something about where Nate was, but I couldn't make it out. We were both so wasted."

I closed my eyes. I couldn't imagine what I had done.

"And then you clobbered Tate."

"I did what?"

"Yeah." She nodded with her eyes wide, semi wide for being hungover. "You just swung your hand out and punched her. Then you started to say something about being a bully and she was the disloyal bitch and that was it. She went back at you. That girl kept crying so I started screaming for help. You got way more wallops in than she did. You're pretty spry. I had no idea." She started to laugh, but hissed from the movement. "She kept trying to hit you and you'd just run around her. Then you'd hit her from behind or something. You're hilarious when you're drunk."

"Oh no." I groaned into my hands. Had I really gotten into a fight?

"Anyway, some guys ran in and separated you too. I didn't see you for awhile because they carried you to where Mason was. He took you into some back room and then Logan rushed in there from somewhere else. He was only wearing jeans, which weren't buttoned or zipped up so everyone knew what he'd been doing." She wiggled her eyebrows. "If you know what I'm saying."

So I'd interrupted one of his many romps with the pepgirl. Something in me didn't care at all.

"And then they kicked Tate out."

"What?" I looked back up.

"Yeah." She gave me a lazy grin. "Mason came out and shoved her outside.

Someone had her bags packed and they threw them out. She must've had her keys in them because I heard that she drove away in the middle of the night.

Tijan's Books