Executive Protection(32)

He didn’t reassure her that he wouldn’t hold back. He couldn’t. The idea that she threatened him had him all mixed up.

With a disgusted sigh, Lucy went around him and left the kitchen. On her way she tossed over her shoulder, “Have fun at your game.”

* * *

Lucy had to go into a bathroom to get ahold of herself. Why couldn’t she take a step back from Thad? And why had she tempted him that way, put herself against him, caressed him like a lover? Had she wanted to make him respond? Feeling his hardness had given her immeasurable satisfaction. It had encouraged her. Could a man respond that way, so quickly and so poignantly, without love fueling it?


She’d be a fool to believe otherwise. It hadn’t been any special feelings toward her that had made him react, it had been a purely male response to a woman teasing him with the possibility of sex.

Bracing her hands on the bathroom counter, she looked at herself in the mirror. It wasn’t like her to do things like that, much less let her emotions get to her this way so powerfully. She normally took life’s curveballs in stride, with a story or a joke to go with it. She always moved on without a scratch. Why was Thad so different?

One kiss and she was a mess. Well, it was more than one kiss. It was more than a kiss....

That sank her mood lower. She contemplated packing her suitcase and leaving. But she’d made a commitment, one Kate was paying her a lot of money for. She couldn’t back out now. She was stuck here in this estate until Kate was fully recovered.

Taking a deep breath and forcing the lump in her throat to loosen, she left the bathroom and went to make sure the servants had brought Kate her breakfast.

“There you are,” Kate greeted as she entered the master suite. There was a tray over the bed with a plate of oatmeal, fruit, yogurt and a glass of orange juice.

She sounded stronger every day. “Sorry I’m late.”

Kate waved a hand as she finished a bite of oatmeal. “If it wasn’t for the physical therapy, I’d be just fine.”

“The physical therapy will make you heal faster.”

“It doesn’t feel that way.” Kate winced as she moved her upper body in an attempt to stretch.

“You’re supposed to be sore.” Lucy began picking up around the room, needing something to do while she waited for Kate to finish eating. She couldn’t stop analyzing what Thad had said, and what he hadn’t said. No way would he ever consent to marriage and children. He refused to entertain even the possibility. While she felt on the verge of falling truly in love with him, he remained in control. He might say he loved her, but what kind of love would it be if he denied her what she craved? He wouldn’t love her fully if he refused to give them a chance. A real chance.

She couldn’t predict what he’d do if they kept having encounters like the one they’d had last night. Even more unsettling, she couldn’t predict her own response if they did, and didn’t think she’d be able to resist him. The burn of tears surged forth. She should have stayed in the bathroom until she was sure she had control of her emotions.


Realizing Kate had been talking, Lucy jerked herself to attention, wiping under her eyes to make sure no tears had escaped. “Sorry.”

“What’s wrong?”

What was the matter with her? Why was she all weepy over Thad? “Nothing.” It was just a kiss.

A kiss that had knocked her world off its axis. A kiss that had shown her how strong her attraction was for Thad. Too strong.

“All right. What’s he done?” Kate demanded.

Lucy focused on Kate. “Who?”

Kate did a half roll of her eyes. “Thad, of course. What’s he done now?”

“Nothing. He’s done nothing. Really. I’m fine.”

Kate studied her for a moment. “Don’t let all his talk about marriage never working get to you.”

“I’m not.” Lucy felt silly now. “We don’t talk about marriage.” Well, that was a lie.

“Thad’s attitude stinks. I warned you about that.”

“Really, Kate, I don’t know your son that well.”

“Stop cleaning. The staff will do that.”

Lucy stilled and faced her.

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you and Thad about something. I was going to wait until I recovered a bit more, but now is as good of a time as any.” She waved her over.

Lucy went to sit on the chair beside the bed.

“We have a house in Carova Beach,” Kate began. “When I’m better I plan to go there for a visit. But usually I send someone there to get the house ready. With the assassination attempt, I have to be careful with who I choose.”

Uh-oh. Lucy had a bad feeling about this. She shifted in her seat.

“I was going to ask Thad to go, and I’d like you to go with him.”

“But I’m here to take care of you.”

“And you are. You can go when I’m back on my feet.”

“I really don’t see why I should go along.”

“Thad told me about that man who waited for you after you were finished working,” she said. “I don’t think, and I’m sure Thad would agree, that you should be alone right now.”

“What about you?”

Jennifer Morey's Books