Executive Protection(29)

Thad reached the living room again and looked around for Agent Mayfield. Confirming he was alone, he began to search the room, going over every square inch. None of the furniture was out of place. Nothing had dropped on the floor. He didn’t find any hidden surveillance.

Going over to the windows, he peered outside. All the lights that were supposed to be on were. The gatehouse guard was in his place.

As he started to turn away, he saw the lock on the window was up. The window was unlocked. He pushed the lever back down and tested its sturdiness. All of the other windows were locked. All of the windows but this one.

Thad looked back to where the agent had turned on the light. It was steps from here. Had he heard Lucy approach and had just enough time to get away from the window?

He looked back at the window. Why would he unlock a window?

To allow the gunman access so he could have a second try at Kate Winston?

It was wild speculation, but Thad wasn’t taking any chances. He checked the security system and went through the large house to check every window on the lower level. The security system was still operating, and all of the windows were locked except the one in the formal living room. Had the agent been interrupted before he could disarm the security system?

* * *

Thad found Agent Jaden Mayfield with his feet up in the library, reading a sports magazine, finishing up his shift. He didn’t like the man. He didn’t trust him.

The agent’s brown eyes looked up when he heard him enter.

“Can I have a word with you?” Thad asked.

The agent swung his feet off the ottoman in front of one of the black wingback chairs and set the magazine down. “Sure.”

Was it Thad’s imagination or did the man seem nervous?

“I found a window unlocked in the living room,” Thad said.

The agent’s eyes grew marginally bigger before relaxing again. “I checked them earlier.”

“But not tonight?”

“No. I did a walk-through.”

He made it seem so casual. It wasn’t casual to Thad. His mother’s life depended on the thoroughness of the agents protecting her.

“Did you unlock the window?” Thad asked in his most direct tone.

The agent grunted. “Why would I do that?”

“Did you?”

Agent Mayfield met Thad’s hard stare. “No.”

Thad wasn’t sure he believed him.

“With all due respect, Mr. Winston, I know you’re Kate’s son, but I don’t need anyone questioning me on how I do my job.”

“I didn’t question you about your job. I asked you if you unlocked the window.”

“And I told you I didn’t.”

Thad would check the video recordings and see if anything showed up.

“There are a lot of experienced people working to find your mother’s gunman, Mr. Winston. I’ll be sure and check the windows on a regular basis and make sure all of the other agents do the same.”

Thad decided it was time to ease up. “Thanks. I appreciate that.”

With one more look back, Thad left the room, vowing to keep a close eye on the man.

* * *

The next morning, Thad went down to the kitchen, where he heard voices. Sam stood in front of the coffee machine, his muscular friend Mike Harris leaning against the counter next to him. The two had met in the military. On the counter were two plates with the remnants of eggs and potatoes. Whatever meat that had been prepared with it was gone.

Sam stopped talking when Thad approached them. He was two years older than him and opposite in many ways. Blue eyes where Thad’s were hazel, buzz cut where Thad’s hairstyle was longer and less orderly. They were close in height, though.

Thad leaned a little and extended his hand to Mike. “Been a while.”

Mike shook his hand. “Yeah.”

“How are you doing?” Thad asked.

Mike exchanged a look with Sam. “Better every day.”

Thad saw how his brother withdrew with that reply. He kept all that had happened to him bottled up and Thad worried that would have an adverse effect on him and his quality of life. His mom said Sam just needed time. He’d come around eventually. Thad hoped she was right. Victims of violent crimes did need time to come out on their own. It wasn’t uncommon for victims to withdraw into a world of silence, at least when it came to their trauma.

“We have a full house.” Sam veered the topic away from the seriousness of his and Mike’s capture. “Mom said you’re sweet on her home care nurse.”

First Darcy and now his brother. When would people stop bringing up the sexy nurse? “Mom’s condition is making her hallucinate.” Or gave her time to be more observant about her sons. And right now, her focus was square on Thad.

“She is pretty hot. I saw her with Mom yesterday.” Sam wiggled his eyebrows. “Don’t let that one pass you by.”

Thad didn’t engage. Kissing Lucy last night rushed back to haunt him. He couldn’t believe how strong his desire had been, how completely she’d drawn him in.

“Have you noticed anything odd about one of the agents—Jaden Mayfield?” Thad deliberately changed the subject.

Sam sobered. “No, why?”

Thad explained what he and Lucy had stumbled upon and that the window had been open.

Jennifer Morey's Books