Executive Protection(21)

She held the wad of tissue to her face as she cried.

More police arrived as he returned to the sofa, along with paramedics. The warehouse apartment filled with uniformed people. Darcy watched Kyle hand over the would-be rapist to some other officers. He was taken away.

Three paramedics came over to Avery. Darcy waited while they briefly examined her.

“I’m okay,” she told them, and then turned to Darcy. “Thanks to him and his partner.”

Keeping the warmth her appreciation instilled at bay, he said, “I need to ask you some questions. Is that all right?”

Normally when he arrived at a crime scene, it was to a dead body. Sitting here talking to a live victim was refreshing, and more. He wasn’t sure if it was the refreshment or the beautiful woman that elicited the warmth, but an analysis of that would have to wait.

Darcy picked up his notebook and pen. “Let’s start from the beginning. How did you end up here tonight?”

Her lower lip trembled.

“Best if we get the information now, while it’s still fresh in your mind,” he said. “It’ll help with the charges we’re going to file against him.”

Without looking at him, she nodded. “I met him in the bar a few weeks ago.”

“You’ve known him for a while?” He began to write notes.

“Not very well. The first night I came here he introduced himself. We talked for about an hour. And then he asked if I’d come back. I said I would and I did about a week later. We talked again, this time for a longer period of time. I thought he was nice.” Her head bowed as she sobbed some more.

“Men like that are experts at making women believe they’re nice,” Darcy said, and waited for her to regain her composure.

“I met him once more before tonight. We talked all night, and then he invited me up to his apartment when the bar was starting to close. He said for a drink and more conversation. He didn’t seem to expect anything.”

She tried to control her crying.

“You went to his apartment,” Darcy said, helping her. “Here.”

“Yes. And he gave me a glass of wine.”

“Had you been drinking the whole night?” He made a note that alcohol had been involved. No surprise there. They’d met in a bar.

“I had two in the bar.”

“What about him?”

“He drank more than that.”

Darcy bet he had. “How much more?” He’d be tested during the arrest process.

“Um...I don’t know. Maybe four?”

“Okay. What happened after he gave you the wine?” If he’d met her anywhere else, he wouldn’t think she seemed the type to hang out in bars. She had a refined way about her.

“We talked for a few minutes and then he kissed me. I didn’t like it. I don’t know why, so I said I was going to leave. That’s when he lost it. He turned into a completely different person. He tried to talk me out of leaving, and when I kept insisting, he grew angry. At that point I knew I’d made a mistake. I tried to leave and he stopped me. I fought. He’s a big man. Strong. He tore off my blouse and removed my skirt. My shoes fell off as I fought him. I couldn’t believe what was happening. And then you came in.” She raised her head and looked at him, grateful and full of peace all of a sudden.

She had really blue eyes. Her blond hair fell softly over her shoulders, shiny and fine and thick, only slightly messy from her fight.

“If you hadn’t come along, he would have raped me.”

He didn’t know what to say. He was stymied over his attraction to her. This had never happened to him during an investigation.

“Why were you here?” she asked. “How did you know to come to his apartment? Is he wanted for something else?”

“No.” He found his voice and, cleared his throat. “We were questioning the bartender about a different case when we heard you scream.”

She stared at him. “Lucky me.”

“Yes. I’d say the timing couldn’t have been better.”

She smiled and then winced when it pulled her lip too much. She met his gaze again. “I can’t thank you enough.”

“No need to thank me. Part of the job,” he said.

“What kind of cop are you?” She checked out his shirt, tie and slacks. “No uniform.”

“I’m a special victims detective.”

“Special victims?”

“Yes.” The coincidence was uncanny. Except he didn’t believe in coincidence. “Domestic violence. Murder. Rape....”

Slowly, she nodded. “Wow.”

As the chemistry heated between them, Darcy grew uncomfortable. He was just getting over his divorce. How could he be attracted to another woman so soon? Was it her hero worship that was doing this to him?

No. It was her. She was pretty and nice.

Realizing he’d tuned out all the activity around them and that he’d stopped taking notes, Darcy quickly refocused.

“Do you come to this bar regularly?” he asked.

“No,” she scoffed. “I came here that one time with some friends after my divorce was final. It was supposed to be a celebration.”

“Ah. I had one of those myself.”

“You’re divorced?” She looked down at his hand.

Jennifer Morey's Books