Executive Protection(19)

“I’m sure someone will come along. She’s an adorable little girl.”

They left the building and walked to Thad’s car. He opened the passenger side for her and she got in.

“My mother is being released from the hospital on Monday morning,” he said when he sat behind the wheel and started driving.

“I heard.” Why was he bringing that up now?

“It would mean a lot to her if you’d go with her,” he said.

Lucy wasn’t so sure that was a good idea. It wasn’t in her plans. And she never liked it when people made plans for her.

“She talked to your boss.”

Lucy shot a look his way. “What?” Without talking to her first?

“He supports you helping her.”

She was too stunned to respond right away. Of course her boss had to agree. Kate had been the vice president of the United States!

“Your job will be waiting for you after my mother is fully recovered,” he said.

“So I’m to report to your mother’s house and be her home care nurse? Just like that?” she finally asked.

He glanced over at her. “No. I’m asking you. My mother spoke to your boss to help sway you to agree, that’s all. She would like you to say yes.”

Lucy relaxed and wondered if she’d overreacted. She had a choice. She could refuse and go on with her life. Or she could agree and go on a mini adventure.

She looked over at Thad’s profile. It was too dark in the car to see his hazel eyes, but she remembered well that they had hints of gold and green. She took in the rest of him, his messy hair that wasn’t really messy, his broad shoulders, his trim hips.

That’s when she realized he was the only thing stopping her from saying yes. And she shouldn’t allow that. So he had an unconventional outlook on marriage and family. So she was attracted to him. She wasn’t afraid of falling in love with him...was she?

Regardless, she refused to let that be her deciding factor. Kate needed her. “All right. I’ll do it.”

As he pulled to a stop in front of her house, a sexy grin lifted his mouth, creasing the skin slightly on each side.

Mesmerized, Lucy remained seated in the vehicle while Thad walked around and opened her door. When he extended his hand, she took it, and he guided her out.

It seemed natural for that moment that he accompany her to her door. It would be old-fashioned if not for Cam’s frightening behavior.

“Would you like me to take a look inside?” he asked.

She’d locked everything tight before leaving. But the assurance would be nice so she said yes.

Unlocking the door, she felt him touch her hand when she reached to turn the knob.

“Me first,” he said in that deep, gravelly voice that shouldn’t be doing hot things to her.

She stepped aside, and he entered. Following, she watched him check her living room, opening closets and turning on more lights than she’d left on before leaving. All of the rooms were small in her old house, but the previous owners had renovated the kitchen and opened the space. Her long and narrow kitchen was visible over the snack bar. Pendant and recessed lighting illuminated white cabinets and dark granite countertops.

Lucy waited in the living room for him to finish his search. It didn’t take long. When he returned downstairs, he came to stop before her.

“Did you scare the boogeyman away for me?”

“No boogeyman. Not under your bed. Not in any closet. You’re safe.”

There was that sexy grin again. He liked being with her as much as she liked being with him right now. That indelible energy wouldn’t cool.

His grin faded as they continued to stand close and look at each other, the consequences of allowing passion to take flight settling in. As with her, temptation made him yearn for him to stay, but leaving was the smart action.

“I should go,” he said.


Neither one of them moved.

Lucy breathed a wry, awkward laugh. He reacted with more heat going into his eyes. The awkwardness fell away and suddenly it became incredibly important to her to explore where this would lead.

He took a single step toward her. She lifted her face so that it was just beneath his, anticipation building. Her skin flushed and a shaky breath eased out of her. His face lowered, maybe an inch. His gaze fluttered from her mouth to her eyes, where it stayed. And then as quickly as the heat had rushed upon them, he withdrew and stepped back.

“Good night,” he said, and walked out the door.

Lucy went there and turned the dead bolt, resting her forehead against the wood, unanswered and unsatisfied desire churning inside of her.

Chapter 5

It was late and the bar was closing. Darcy Jenkins walked there with his partner, knowing the bartender was finishing up for the night. They’d been there earlier when it was busy and had spoken with a few regulars and waitstaff. The bartender was the last one they needed to talk to.

“Time to lock the doors, gents,” the man said. He was tall and skinny with thin brown hair that would fall straight to his shoulders if it wasn’t tied back in a ponytail.

Darcy and his partner, Kyle, showed him their badges, which the bartender looked at without reaction. But he stopped wiping the bar surface.

“Detective Jenkins and Detective Morrison,” Darcy said.

Jennifer Morey's Books