End of Story(70)
“While I appreciate you wanting to share this experience with me, I’m fine with you saving your hiking trips for your friends Brandon and River. That can be part of your me time.”
He nodded.
“But following me around while I shop is neither going to bring us closer nor fill your heart with joy. The answer for our couples hobby lies elsewhere.”
“Maybe we should have put this whole idea off for another time. You had a big week. How are you feeling?”
In response, he grunted and stared at the path. Men. Such delicate emotional creatures.
“Want to talk about why you were staring at the divorce certificate this morning?”
He shoved an agitated hand through his hair. “I don’t fucking know.”
I just waited.
“I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be happy all the time,” I said. “No one is. But I’m here if you decide you want to talk about whatever’s bothering you.”
Nothing from him.
Time for less talking and more walking.
“Wait,” he said. Then he did some more hanging of the head. Never had a man been treated so badly. Finally he said, “Normally this is the point where I’d leave. Go get some space. Or just end things entirely because it’s too damn hard and messing with my head.”
My heart lodged hard in my throat. “Right.”
“But I don’t want to do that with you.”
“What do you want to do?”
“I told Aaron about the certificate last night.”
My eyes were as wide as dinner plates. “You did?”
“He asked me how we got together and I didn’t want to lie.”
“That’s understandable. He’s your oldest friend.”
“He had a lot of questions.” Lars grabbed the back of his neck. “Same sort of things we’ve been thinking.”
“How long did it take him to suggest that I had set this up as a way to get back at him?”
“That’s not what he said. Not exactly.”
“Right,” I scoffed.
“Susie, he knows what you mean to me. He’s just looking out for me, is all.”
I crossed my arms.
“He asked all of the same things we did at the start too.”
“What you tell him is your choice. But I think it’s best if we leave off discussing your bestie the bulk of the time,” I said. “I believe in you, Lars. But when it comes to him and his honesty and reliability, we’re just going to have to agree to disagree.”
“How about the way it’s making things awkward with my mother?”
“You told your mom about the certificate?”
“No,” he said. “I mean...this beef between you and Aaron makes her resistant to getting to know you.”
“She’s your mom, Lars. What do you want me to say?” I shrugged. “Deborah can love me or hate me. I’d prefer that we get along, but in the end, it doesn’t really matter. I’m not here for her. I’m here for you. But I’m not going to change my mind about your friend anytime soon.”
“I know. I’m not asking you to.” He stepped closer, setting his hands on my hips. “I hate that these problems are coming from my side.”
“That’s understandable. Fixing things is sort of your mission in life,” I said. “But, it’s not like I don’t have trust issues and other neuroses. We both have stuff to work through. Neither of us are perfect.”
Furrows wrinkled his brow. “I know, but I can’t help worrying that...”
My smile was not a particularly happy one. “That one of your problems will be what causes the divorce?”
“I worry about that too. That I’m the one that wrecks us. Especially since I was the one who filed for divorce. But here’s the thing about your best friend,” I said. “Sooner or later, he’s going show himself to be the utter and complete dick I know him to be. He’s not smart enough to hide it from you forever. And he’s too entitled to think he even has to. Then, at that time, you’ll be able to embrace what you’ll find you’ve really known deep down all along.”
“And what’s that?” asked Lars with a hint of a smile.
“That I’m always right.”
“Come here.” His hands slid around and down to my butt. And the warmth in his gaze turned me to mush.
I looped my arms around his neck, pressing the length of my body against his. Being this close to him could never get old. It was heavenly.
His fingers kneaded my ass cheeks in a demanding fashion. The way he pressed me against the growing bulge in his pants...it was nice to be wanted. I’d been a little worried after his lack of interest after he got home last night. But it was the gentle kiss he pressed to my forehead that made my heart roll over and offer itself up to him. There were no more walls or defenses to keep him out. He owned me body and soul. That was the truth.
He rested his cheek against the top of my head. “I’m sorry for being a grumpy asshole. Again.”
“Thank you. That’s very nice to hear.”
“Is it?”