End of Story(69)

The emotion in his eyes was pure thunder. “Don’t.”


The fingers on my chin tightened ever so slightly. “You’re right. I’m new to this. The relationships I’ve been in... I don’t normally let them get this far. But can we agree that if I’m living with you, it’s because I want to be with you. Because we’re together. Not because it’s convenient or some other bullshit excuse, okay?”


“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

A car parked down the street and a television boomed from the house opposite us before being silenced. Otherwise the night was peaceful. The suburbs were at rest.

“We’re really doing this,” I said, more than a little amazed.

“Yeah, we are.”

I nodded slowly. “I’m afraid, but you’re worth the risk.”

“You don’t have to be afraid.”

“Lars, you like things organized and neat and making sense. That’s not always me.”

“Princess.” He leaned in closer. “Do you honestly believe I don’t know that by now?”

His slow smile was breathtaking and the truth of his words sent warmth spreading through my chest. The sense of rightness. He and I here in this moment—it was all as it should be. An urge to get poetic sat on the tip of my tongue. To liken him to a summer’s day and maybe even throw the L-word out there for the very first time. Though he had said it in the hospital, he was under the influence of some heavy-duty painkillers. So that didn’t count. He was high as a kite. There weren’t many people in my life that I loved. I could count them on one hand. What I felt for this man was a lot and it made me so...hopeful. Even with the existence of the divorce certificate. Maybe this might work. Stranger things had happened. But would it be astonishing or scary if Lars said he loved me? Both, was the answer. Maybe I could annoy him into loving me. It was worth a try.

Whatever the expression on my face was, it made him smile. “Neither of us planned on getting together. I’m going to fuck up now and then and so are you. We just have to keep trying, okay?”


His phone buzzed in his back pocket and he pulled it out and looked at the screen. “It’s Aaron. I can catch up with him later.”

“No,” I said. “It’s okay. Answer it. I know you’ve been worried about him with the breakup and everything.”

His forehead creased. “Are you sure?”

I nodded and smiled magnanimously. We were together. Everything was great. I refused to allow my Ex to be a point of contention between us. So there.


Lars strode along the hiking trail all primordial male let loose upon nature. A conquering Viking. Nothing could stand in his way. Though he did stop to rub his sore ribs now and then. I, meanwhile, was not doing as well on our first-ever couples hike. The wildflowers and old-growth forest were beautiful. Same with the bridges crossing the creek. I got some great shots and video for social media. Then the hiking began. It turned out that strolling around the neighborhood was quite different from scaling the side of a fucking mountain. I’d scared off an array of local wildlife with all of my panting and groaning. My new boyfriend better have a penchant for sweaty women with red faces. Otherwise he was in serious trouble.

“Are you sure this is supposed to be an easy trail?” I asked and slapped at my arm. “The damn bug spray is not working.”

He stopped and looked me over. Taking in my low-slung ponytail, black racer-back ribbed cotton tank, and matching shorts with embroidery. And the look in his eye...talk about judgy. “I told you those shoes weren’t a good idea.”

“My black leather platform booties are great.”

“No one wears platform booties to hike.”

“It’s a very small platform, Lars. Like an inch and a half at most. It’s not like they’ve got a high heel or something. And they’re one of the most comfortable pairs of shoes I own.”

“You don’t have a pair of sneakers?”

“Yes. But they’re suede and it might have been muddy. These are easier to clean.”

His stare was one of wonder. Just not the good kind. Which kind of summed up our day so far. Ever since he’d returned from having a drink with his bestie last night he had been in a mood.

“I feel sad for you that you don’t understand my reasoning,” I said.

He pressed his lips tightly together and said nothing. A whole lot of it.


“I think it’s great that you live up to your name, Princess. Also, I take it back,” he said. “Our first couples outing should have been me acting as your pack mule, following you around the mall. I see now that you would have enjoyed that a lot more. Because yes, this is the easiest trail they have here.”

“If you say so.” I sniffed. “Do you normally take girlfriends hiking?”

“Not really. But you seemed keen on the idea.”

“I thought by commune with nature you meant like a gentle walk on the beach, or hanging out in a beer garden or something. There’s a very valid reason why I avoid the gym rats on Tinder.”

He hung his head and grabbed at the back of his neck. “Maybe we should think of other things we can do together.”

Kylie Scott's Books