Dylan (Bowen Boys, #3)(31)

“That’ll be nice.” She looked at him. “They’re going to have me put into prison, aren’t they? I know they said they weren’t, but I killed a shit ton of people for Mann, and I’m pretty sure that no matter how you dress it up, I still pulled the trigger.”

“Caitlynne told you that you were a victim, like the people you killed. And according to the list you provided, not one person on that list was exactly what she’d consider model citizens.” He took her hand when she stood up. “Jack, come away with me for a few hours and let’s forget this.”

She told him she would go, but she wanted to get something from their room. He went to the kitchen to throw together some of the things that he’d bought yesterday for their picnic. When she came down, he could see that she’d armed herself, of which he had no problem. It was the sadness in her eyes that bothered him.

He pulled her into his arms. “It’s going to be all right, baby. You’ll see. Mann will turn himself in, or some agent will pop a camp in his head.” He’d hoped that she’d laugh, and she did.

“Its pop a cap, not camp, and being a fifth grade teacher, I would think you’d have heard that term a great deal.” She kissed him on the neck. “Let’s go and lose ourselves today, okay? I don’t even want to think about what we have and what we know.”

“Agreed.” Lifting the basket, she eyed him. “I have nothing in this basket but things to sooth my lovely mate. If a few things that we might need got in here, we’ll just have to make the best of the situation. And I don’t know about you, but I will be glad when we can have our home back. All this company is driving me nuts.” They went out to his garage, and he settled himself over his bike. She looked at him with a cocked brow.

He handed her a helmet. “I thought we were going to walk. Isn’t that the best way to get around back there?”

“It is if you don’t know the terrain like I do. Hop on.” He waited for her to wrap her arms and legs around him before he started the bike. Her heat wrapped around him, distracting him, but he had plans today, which included being between her hot thighs. He took off with her laughter ringing in his ears.

He took her around the outer edges of the property, the long way around to where he wanted them to end up. Stopping twice to stretch, he showed her where he knew that some deer played. They had also stopped to watch a hawk mate with his female in the air. By the time they got to the falls, her cheeks were pink and they were both starving.

“You were maybe feeding an army,” she teased him as she took out the containers. “I see we have cold chicken…my favorite, by the way. And macaroni salad and potato. One, two, three…five ham sandwiches on rye, and dill pickles.”

He reached in to the basket when she opened a pickle and chomped on it. “I have also, for the lady, some cheese cake bites, as well as strawberries and cream. Iced tea, as well as some very lovely white wine, if you so desire.”

They sat on the blanket he’d brought and filled their plates. While she put salads on his and hers, he opened the wine and poured them both a glass. Dylan laughed when he saw the portion of chicken she’d put on her plate.

“Hungry?” She smiled at him as she ate a leg. “I hope you know that I didn’t just bring you out here for the food and view. I plan to ravage you later.”

“I know. That’s why I’m storing up energy.” She handed him one of the pieces on her plate. “You should know that you’d better be ready for me, too. I’ve been very lonely of late.”

His body tensed, and he growled low. He suddenly didn’t want to waste time on eating when he had her in front of him. When she put out her hand to stop him from moving toward her, he stopped.

“I’m really hungry. I mean it. If you make me miss my meal, I’m going to be very pissy with you.” She looked up at the sky, and he knew now why she’d lingered over a flower, and had wanted to see the den he’d found better. She was waiting for dark. Dylan took her plate away from her.

“The food can wait. I can’t.” She moved back and looked panicky. “I’m going to make love to you with the sun shining over us. I’m going to touch you in ways you can’t imagine.”

“Dylan, I told you. I’m not comfortable with you seeing me naked. Please.” He shook his head, grabbed her leg, and brought her to him. “Dylan.”

Her shoes came off first. He tossed them away from them, but not so far that they wouldn’t be able to find them. Then he slid his hands up her thighs and over her smooth skin.

“When I shaved your legs I had never enjoyed touching anything as much as I did you. Your skin was so soft and smooth. Hearing your soft moans made my cock hurt, but I couldn’t stop until I was finished.” Dylan pulled her to him so that she was on his lap, facing him. “I want to touch you again, feel your warmth in my hands.”

Her shirt pulled up over her head, and he did that now. Her bra, a pretty little pink thing, made his mouth water, and he licked along the curve of her breasts that was exposed. Her moan made him want more. Unhooking the front clasp, he opened the cups slowly and watched her full breasts spill into his hands. Leaning down, he kissed the first of many scars he knew she had.

“Tell me how you got this one.” He licked along the entire length of it, knowing it was from a knife. “How badly were you hurt when this was done?”

Kathi S. Barton's Books