Dylan (Bowen Boys, #3)(28)

He had paid cash for the room and had paid for the week. Knowing that someday he’d have to leave in a hurry and not be found, he’d had several IDs made for himself and his family, and money enough that they would be able to start over if need be. He had never dreamed he’d be doing this on his own. Sitting down again, he pulled out the only thing he’d taken from the house other than the things from the garage storage…a picture of them all together at Christmas. He sobbed again at their loss.

Putting the picture into the large case, he glanced at the contents. He was glad now that he’d been able to put this away without his family knowing. Lucky, too, that he’d been able to be in on the ground floor of the mess that had gotten Small arrested and eventually led to Garrett’s suicide.

No one knew that he’d been watching over the books and sending the money to each of their offshore accounts for them. He’d been paid well, very well, but he still took a percentage of their deposits as well. He’d amassed well over twenty million in a very short amount of time, and was thrilled that he’d never used his own name when dealing with them. The others had gone down because they were careless and stupid.

Kirby’s money had never seen the inside of a bank other than to transfer it to cash, and had never left the garage once he put it in there. It was his run money and nothing more. Setting up a dummy account with one of his aliases and a business that did nothing more than take up space, he would deposit the money directly into the account, then write checks to another dummy corporation and cash them. He even filed a tax form every year and paid his taxes on that money like a good boy.

Looking at the computer that sat on the table, he wondered again if he was doing the right thing. Giving up just about all he knew was going to make his life on the run a little more difficult, but he had to try and appease some of what he’d done to his wife by saying yes all those years ago. She deserved better than whatever Lucius had done to her and his child.

Kirby walked over to the computer again and sat in front of it. It was all there. Files, names, dates, anything and everything he needed to expose not only Lucius, but everyone else in the organization, as well. He’d even put in information about Small and the things he’d been able to dig up about him over the past several months. He’d had no use for it when the man had ended up in prison, but Kirby had held onto it. He thought someday he might write a book…inder a pen name, of course. But the one person he had nothing on was that f*cking woman.

Crosby had been nothing but exemplary from birth to now. The one thing that had been on her record had been expunged years ago when Davenport had gone to the courts on her behalf and had it removed. The judge had taken one look at her life after the jail time and had it done. Kirby had never told her about it. He’d let her think that he’d been magnanimous by letting her work for him. Fat lot of good that had been for him…she’d still f*cked him over.

Crosby had done each job he’d assigned her, and though she killed for him, that didn’t make her guilty. It simply made her a perfect employee. He’d had a chance to look over her record, too. Crosby had never been caught with anything. Going in and out of the building, she’d been checked thoroughly. But he knew as surely as he was looking at his own stolen files that she’d gotten some out, if not everything. She was that f*cking good.

He hoped to Christ that wherever her body was—and he was pretty sure she was dead now—that no one found anything on it that he’d not taken out of his files he was sending to Bowen the Bitch. Smiling, he looked at the file he’d created to give to the Feds. There was enough stuff in it to put him away forever if he were to get caught, but there was enough information in the deleted file that would get him shot. Kirby had not been a very good man. Not now, and certainly not in his youth. He’d murdered to get where he’d been, and he knew that he’d do it again if he had to.

He glanced up at the television and saw his nemesis, Caitlynne Bowen…Bowen the Bitch in the flesh. There was another woman he could have gone his entire life without knowing. She was bossy and a know it all. Of course, she was his boss, but that didn’t mean that he had to like the way she lorded herself over him. Or the way she made him come to her office to go over the slightest entries in his bookkeeping. He’d been able to do whatever he liked with Garrett. Where did that f*cking cunt get off telling him he needed to curb his spending? He turned the TV up to see what she was doing now.

“…no longer considered a threat to National Security. Her name has been cleared of all charges concerning the death of Vern and Cindy Clements and Ruby, their daughter. If anyone knows of Agent Jack Crosby’s whereabouts, please tell her that she is not wanted, but we still need to speak to her. If you are listening to this, agent, we would like to offer you a safe haven until all this is cleared up and we find the person or persons responsible for the murders. Again, Agent Jack Crosby is no longer wanted in questioning for the murders of the Clements family. We are currently looking into other information that has come to light in recent days. It not only shows that Agent Crosby is not guilty of the crimes charged against her, but also indicates that she had information about who the actual murderers were. We’ll have more details as we verify them. Thank you.” She walked off the podium rather than answer any questions. The f*cking cunt.

Kirby turned it off. He sat there for several minutes with nothing going through his head but one thought. She knew. Bowen knew something. He got up to pull a bottle of water from the cooler and put it back. He reached in and pulled out the bottle of tequila that he’d stashed in there, as well.

Kathi S. Barton's Books