Dylan (Bowen Boys, #3)(19)

“But I—” The man turned to look at him with a smile he’d seen Lucius use before. It said “f*ck with me and I’ll f*ck you up.” Kirby nodded.

“I’m a wolf, did he mention that? My name is Deveron. Anyway, I’ll be looking during the evenings for that bitch that you let get away. I can’t let someone see this giant wolf sniffing around, now can I? I like my meals to be brought to me on a tray and left outside the room. I want steak at least once a day, rare, and no vegetables. And chocolate. I love chocolate.”

Kirby nodded, making notes on a scrap of paper he’d pulled from his pocket. By the time Deveron had finished, Kirby had two pages of his wants and a list of places to find the things Kirby had no idea how to get. But the one he knew he was going to have the most trouble with was the women.

Deveron wanted two a day. He wanted them on the plump side: “More to pound into, if you know what I mean” he’d said when Kirby had stared at him. He didn’t, but said nothing. Kirby was also to call off work so that he could be at Deveron’s beck and call. Kirby had already called off for that day, thinking to get the garage cleared out without the women there to pester him.

He thought he’d give just about anything to have them there doing just that. When Deveron went up the stairs to check out his new “digs,” Kirby went to his office to call his secretary. She answered on the first ring.

“I won’t be in for the rest of the week, Miss Black. I have caught a nasty flu and I don’t want to waste my energy coming in there to not get my rest.” She asked if she could get him anything. “No. I’m going to be fine. Just make sure you don’t leave early because I’m not there, and no taking a longer lunch.”

After hanging up with her, he made a call to the bar that Deveron had told him to get the hookers from. The man asked who it was for, and Kirby told him. The man seemed a little pissy after that.

“You tell him that if he hurts one of them I’m going to tell his master. I won’t have him beating them to shit so they can’t work. You tell him that Sheppard told you that.”

“I will, sir. I promise.” Kirby told him that he needed two women a day for an unknown amount of time. “And he would like them at the same time.”

“He’ll get what I send him and nothing more.” The line went dead, and Kirby laid it gently into the cradle. He knew this man was going to kill one of the prostitutes and he was going to get blamed for it. Forty minutes later, someone was at the front door.


George watched the young girl at the stove. She seemed to be enjoying herself, so he sat still at the table and grinned. She had Dylan’s scent all over her and she didn’t even realize what had happened to her. When she turned and saw him there, she flushed.

“I didn’t hear you come in. I was hungry and thought…you’re Dylan’s dad.” He nodded. “Yeah, thought so. He looks like you. Want something to eat?”

“Yes, that would be nice.” She filled a plate and handed it to him. When he started to protest at taking her breakfast, she waved him off.

“I’m doing this to keep from running. I want to.” She looked at the door, then back at what she was doing with the bacon. “I’ve never been one to stick out a relationship, and this one has the markings of being more than a little bit over the wall strange.”

“It doesn’t have to be.” He bit into the eggs and moaned. “Oh my, this is very good. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten more fluffy eggs.”

“It’s the baking soda. Why can’t he be like a normal person, a man? Why a f*cking panther?” She broke four eggs into a bowl and started whipping them hard. He wanted to point out she was nearly at the meringue stage, but didn’t.

“He is what he is…still a man but with a bit more.” She snorted. “I don’t think you believe me.”

“No, I do. But if there was ever an understatement, that’s it.” Khan walked in and frowned at him, but George offered him a bit of his breakfast instead of speaking. Khan looked at Jack.

“I don’t suppose I could have one like that, could I?” Khan sat down at the table as if she’d already answered him. “I could use some coffee, too, if there is any.”

“I don’t do coffee, and that machine looks like something from the next century. Have at it if you want any.” She got another dozen eggs out of the refrigerator and another pound of bacon. “What kind of pack or whatever is this?”

George had his mouth full so Khan answered. “It’s not a pack, but a group. Ours is a family, and that’s what we go by. Packs are wolves. We’re cats, not dogs.”

“Well la de da, mister know it all. I was just asking. There was no need for you to get all pissy with me.” She slammed his plate in front of him. “You should remember not to piss on the hand that feeds you, moron.”

Khan opened his mouth and closed it twice before he sat and dug into his food. Before she could make her own breakfast another of George’s sons walked in the door. Reed nearly hugged her when she offered to make him something, but backed off at the last second. She looked at him oddly but moved back to cooking.

“You know it’s sort of hurtful the way you jerk-offs avoid touching me. I didn’t do anything to that family. And I didn’t kill that little girl.” Her back was to them and she missed the look between them all. “I might be a lot of things, but I don’t kill children.”

Kathi S. Barton's Books