Dylan (Bowen Boys, #3)(17)

Her teeth punctured his flesh; his blood filled her mouth. Sucking deeply, she moaned when his taste filled her. Drawing again, she felt his mouth do the same to her own throat, and she dug her hands into his shoulder and tightened around him.

They came together. Her body felt each stoke of his cock, his cum as he filled her. When he licked her throat, he pulled her from his wound and looked into her eyes. She was right, he could see deep into her soul.

“Mine. You’re mine, do you understand that?” She nodded. “Say it. Tell me you’re mine.”

“Yours. I’m yours.” He took her mouth again; his body took her as well. Even as he came again, she knew that things were different; that there would never be anyone else, and that this man was going to love her forever. As she came with him, his name sounding loudly from her lips, she knew that she didn’t care at all.

He helped her out of the shower after he bathed her again. She was limp and a little sore. One of her wounds had opened. He ran his tongue along it, and she could feel warmth spread throughout her body. Then he did the same to the others, leaving a path of heat and tingling skin. Then he picked her up and put her to bed.

“I’ve never done anything like that before.” She felt her face heat when he grinned at her. “I meant, I never had someone shave my legs before. You ever do that for a woman before?”

“No.” He crawled into bed with her and pulled her to him. “But I wouldn’t mind doing it for you again if you want. Touching you like that, holding you…I don’t think I’ll ever be able to shower again without you.”

She was both embarrassed and happy. She tried to move away from him, but he wasn’t having it. Jack had never slept with anyone before. Usually after sex, men couldn’t wait to get away from her.

“Why?” She slapped his chest, then pulled on his chest hair. “I was wondering if you found me to be satisfying, and you’re thinking about other men. Then you thought about that. I just want to know why they left you. I love holding you right now, all soft and sated.”

“I’m not much of a snuggler, I guess.” She shifted on the bed and looked up at him from his chest. “I don’t do relationships well. Actually, not at all. The one time I came close to one, he left me at the altar. He slipped out the back of the courthouse with my friend. Not my best friend, just the only other female I knew. I think they divorced a few months after they married.”

“I’m sorry about that. But I’m glad, too. If you’d been married to him when we met, I would have had to kill him.” She waited for him to say he was kidding, but when he didn’t she laid her head back down on his chest. “I’ll never hurt you, Jack. Never. But you do belong to me now.”

“I don’t even know what that means. Belong to you how? I know I said I did, but…. Why did you want me to tell you? Like that? During…while we were….”

He kissed her mouth. “During sex? Because I can’t fully claim you without your consent. And you gave it to me. Maybe…I don’t know, I figured that you’d let me if it was in the heat of the moment.”

“You tricked me.” She started to get off him when he rolled her to her back. When she tried to hit him, he pulled her hands above her head and held them there.

“I need you. Not just for sex, but for me. I can’t stand the thought that you hurt. I hate that those people who hurt you are still walking around as if they didn’t harm something, someone that belonged to me. You do, too. Belong to me, now and forever. I need you.”

She looked at his eyes as they began to change, lighten in the wake of his anger. She pulled her hand free, and he let her. Running her hand down his cheek, she saw him close his eyes, and she drew back and slapped him. He raised his head so quickly that she heard his neck pop.

“You ever trick me again, I will shoot you right in the dick. I’m not a child. I’m a grown woman who has feelings that get hurt when you do shit like that. You say I belong to you?” He nodded. “Then I’m assuming it’s a two-way street.”

“Yes. I’ve belonged to you since I first saw you bleeding on my deck.” He rubbed his jaw. “You have a hell of a right.”

“And a left, too, if you ever f*ck with me again.” She pulled his mouth down to hers and kissed him deeply before continuing. “Now go to sleep. I need my rest after that.”

He laughed when he rolled to his back, taking her with him so that she was laying over him. She closed her eyes when she felt his fingers trail up and down her back in a steady motion. She was drifting off when she felt his hand slow then stop. His soft snore was the last thing she heard for a while.

Chapter Six

Kirby was sitting at home, enjoying his quiet time, when his phone rang. It was his personal phone. He was surprised when he didn’t know who the caller was.

On the off chance it could be his wife or daughter, he answered with a laugh. “Don’t tell me you miss me already,” he said. “You’ve only been gone for less than a day. You didn’t run out of money, did you?” He laughed again but realized no one was saying anything on the other end. “Sally?”

“I have her and your pretty daughter, too.” His blood froze in his veins. “If you want to see them again, you’ll go and find that cunt Crosby and bring her to me.”

Kathi S. Barton's Books