Drop Dead Sexy(14)

“Okay.” I licked the salt on my hand before tipping back the shot glass. The golden liquid scorched a trail down my esophagus to my stomach. I sucked the lime into my mouth as my eyes watered. “Done,” I said, my voice hoarse from the tequila.

To my surprise, Catcher didn’t immediately down his shot. Instead, he shocked the hell out of me by taking the salt-shaker and dusting my chest with its contents. “What are you—”

He brought a finger to my lips to silence me. “Just go with it, babe.”

Although I was still uncertain, I decided to follow Catcher’s advice. After he took his finger away, he picked up the shot glass. I sucked in a breath as he placed it inside my dress between my breasts. With my dress’s tight material, the glass was held suspended perfectly.

I exhaled in a rush when Catcher dipped his head. I gasped when his warm tongue slid across the skin above my breasts. Once he had lapped up all the salt, his mouth closed around the top of the shot glass. I shivered when I felt his lips lightly brush against my skin. Oh f*ck me, did it feel good having his mouth on me.

With the glass securely in his mouth, he tipped his head back and downed the contents. He winked at me as he put the glass on the bar. “That hit the spot.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” I said breathlessly. Jeez, if I stayed around him too long, I was going to need an oxygen tank to regulate my breathing.

“Think you’re good, or you wanna do another?” Catcher asked.

“Maybe. You want me to do it out of your pants?”

He chuckled. “No, babe. No tit for tat on that one.”

Not wanting to be outdone or unsexy, I added, “I could probably make it work.” Of course, in this case it would be dick for tit but whatever.

Catcher grinned as he waved the bartender over. “Two more shots please.”

Once the glasses were refilled, he passed mine to me and held his up. “Let’s do these together.”


“Bottoms up.”

I had just brought the glass to my lips when Catcher added, “Just like I hope to have you before the evening is over.”

My mouth momentarily formed the Minion “Whaaat?” before I tipped my head back and sucked down the tequila. Somehow with Catcher’s innuendo, I felt I was going to need it.

“Good. Now let’s dance.”

“Okay,” I replied uncertainly. I had never been overly talented when it came to busting a move, so I was a little alarmed at making a fool out of myself in front of Catcher. Thankfully, the band’s cover of Credence Clearwater Revival’s Rolling on the River turned into the slow tune of Charlie Pride’s So Good When You’re bad.

Catcher snaked his arm around my waist and drew me flush against him. Damn, it felt good being so close to a man again. When the woodsy smell of his cologne filled my nostrils, I shivered. There was something about a delicious smelling man that was like liquid sex to me. I quickly brought my arms up to encircle his neck. My fingers couldn’t help playing with the hair at the base of Catcher’s scalp.

After a few seconds of swaying to the beat, one of Catcher’s hands traveled from my waist to squeeze my buttocks. While he caressed my backside, his hips began to move against mine. As if answering a siren’s call, my hips began to move with Catcher’s, my core rubbing against his growing erection. He swiveled his waist to bring one of his knees between my legs. Catcher brought his lips to mine as our hands ran up and down each other’s bodies. For a minute, I thought we’d been transported into a scene from Dirty Dancing. I expected to see Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey come gyrating by.

When the song ended, Catcher extricated himself from our embrace. “Where are you going?” I panted.



A wicked grin slunk across his face. “Trust me, babe, if I don’t jerk this one out, I won’t last one second when we get to a hotel.”

I’m sure my mouth must’ve made a perfect “O” of surprise because that wasn’t what I was expecting him to say. I realized then I had a choice to make. I could let Catcher go to the bathroom to jerk off, or I could go with him to the bathroom and help him out. It was a whole Jerry Macguire “Help me, help you” kinda thing.

When I finally found my voice, I breathlessly said, “I’ll go with you.

Catcher’s brows shot up in surprise. “What about the ‘no bathrooms’ claim you made earlier?”

I shrugged. “I changed my mind.” With a coy grin, I added, “You changed my mind.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

Catcher took me by the hand and led me through the crowd toward the bathroom. Before we got to it, he stopped at a door labeled, “Staff Only”. After glancing left and right, Catcher tested the doorknob. When he found it unlocked, he dragged me inside the dimly lit storage room.

After Catcher closed the door, he locked it. “This okay?”


The next thing I knew Catcher pounced on me. It took me so off guard that I went reeling back. “Omph,” I muttered when I crashed against one of the racks.

“Are you okay?”

I smiled as I brushed the dust off my ass. “I’m fine. I swear.”

“Sorry about that.” Catcher flashed me a sheepish look. “I got too excited by the prospect of finally getting to f*ck you.”

Katie Ashley's Books