Deep (Stage Dive, #4)(45)

Ben: Could be him.

Lizzy: Don’t mess with mother’s intuition.

Ben: Wouldn’t dare.

Lizzy: I never realized there so many different types of juice. Thank you.

Ben: Think of anything u need tell me.

Lizzy: Will do. Thanks again.

Lizzy: Thanks for the flowers.

Ben: No problem. Feeling better?

Lizzy: Nope. All hail the Queen of Phlegm. They put me on antibiotics. Should be better soon.

Ben: Good. Can I get u anything?

Lizzy: No thanks. Have a good concert. Break a leg or whatever.

Ben: Take it easy. Rest.

Lizzy: Did Mal tell u I was staying here?

Ben: Ur not coming to Nashville?

Lizzy: No. They don’t want me flying. Mal didn’t tell u?

Ben: No.

Lizzy: Crap. Sorry.

Ben: Never mind. Ur still sick? How sick?

Lizzy: Nothing serious. They’re just being careful. Plus u guys can’t get sick.

Ben: Calling.

Lizzy: Losing voice. Hurts to speak.

Ben: Shit. U sure?

Ben: What did Dr say exactly?

Lizzy: It’s common cold. Headaches & blocked nose. No high fevers which might b dangerous. All normal.

Ben: Mayb we should get 2nd opinion.

Lizzy: Don’t worry. Anne will b w me. I’ll be fine in a few days. C u in Memphis.

Ben: Keep me up to date. Need anything?

Lizzy: Will do. Just sleep. Later.

Ben: How u feeling today?

Lizzy: Nose running less green.

Ben: Good. Been worried about you.

Lizzy: I’m getting there. Sleeping and catching up on lots on day time tv.

Ben: Great. Take it easy.

Lizzy: With Anne in Nurse Ratched mode I have no other choice.

Ben: Haha. Family.

Lizzy: Exactly.

Ben: Can I get u anything?

Lizzy: I’m ok.

Ben: Sorry I missed ur call. What’s happening?

Lizzy: Just wanted to wish u luck w the concert. How is Memphis? Any sightings of the King?

Ben: Not yet. But he’s here somewhere. How u doing?

Lizzy: Much better. Bored. Want out of bed. Dr said a day or 2. Blood pressure was a little low, made me light headed. But no big deal.

Ben: You fainted? What happened?

Lizzy: No, just felt off. It’s fine. Taking extra iron.

Ben: Christ, u sure?

Lizzy: Yes. Please don’t worry. It’s all getting worked out.

Ben: Shit. Ok. Be good to see you.

Lizzy: You too. So sick of being sick. Meet me in St Louis?

Ben: Deal.

Lizzy: Anne said u rang her. Brave.

Ben: Wanted to make sure u were ok.

Lizzy: I know. But I am telling u everything.

Ben: Yeah. Just worried.

Lizzy: Dr’s good. If anything changes I’ll let u know straight away. See u soon.

Lizzy: I am now the proud of owner of a wide selection of super comfy pjs and the worlds most extensive collection of zombie films.

Ben: :)

Lizzy: You rock in all the ways.

Ben: Pjs were Lena’s idea. Zombies were mine.

Lizzy: They both made my day. Thank you.

Ben: What movie u watching?

Lizzy: Dawn of the Dead.

Ben: Original or remake?

Lizzy: Remake. Love the actors in it.

Ben: Cool. Never seen it.

Lizzy: It’s not Romero, but its fun.

Ben: Show it to me sometime.

Lizzy: You got it.

Lizzy: Arrived. Going to sleep.

Ben: Ok?

Lizzy: Yes. Just tired. Have a good concert.

Ben: Thanks. C u in the morning.


Yes, the sad fact was, Ben and I were probably better at texting one another than we’d ever been communicating face-to-face. Apart from that one night in Vegas. Oh, and the time in his truck. And in his hotel suite tub after his argument with Jimmy, though he’d been somewhat under the influence that night.

Anyway, the flight wore me out. I went straight to bed when Anne and I hit Saint Louis. But I didn’t exactly get much sleep.

“Fuck off, dude!” was my wake-up call. “You don’t come in here.”

“Out of my way,” said someone in a distinctly deep and pissed off tone.

“Easy.” Another male voice. A different one this time.

“Ben, be reasonable. She’s still sleeping.” That was Anne, her voice placating.

“It’s one o’clock in the afternoon. She said she was better, why the f*ck is she still sleeping?”

I sure as hell wasn’t anymore.

“Anne, he’s got a point. Has anyone checked on her lately?” I think that was Lena, but what she was doing here, I had no idea.

“Something’s wrong. I want a doctor here now,” said Ben.

“Just a minute. We’re all worried about her.” Ev, perhaps?

Hell, it sounded like everyone was visiting.

“Told you, man,” said Mal. “You don’t come into my rooms. I may have to work with you. But I don’t want a f*cking thing to do with you outside of that.”

“For Christ’s sake…”

“You f*cked with my trust.”

“I know,” sighed Ben. “And I’m sorry. Right now, though, I need to know she’s okay.”

“I’m fine,” I said, stepping out of my room. “Hey, you’re really all here.”

Kylie Scott's Books