Dare Me(51)

“Holt, is that the Freedom Tower?” She points to the large building in the distance.

“It is. We’ll be sure to stop by while we’re here.”

“I’m worried we won’t get to see everything in two days,” she says, finally walking away from the window.

“Then we’ll come back,” I promise.

“Presumptuous.” She smirks.

“Determined,” I respond, smirking right back.

She laughs just as a knock sounds at the door. The bellman has arrived with our luggage, and he stacks it in the large walk-in closet.

“Holt!” Saige yells from the bathroom. The door is wide open and the light is on, so I let myself in. “Is that the tub?” She asks, bewildered. She’s standing over a sunken tub the size of a hot tub and could fit six people.

“It is.” I’m in awe of the things that excite her.

“I’m taking a bath three times a day while I’m here!” she squeals.

“Whatever makes you happy, Saige.”

She spins on her heel and wraps her arms around my waist, pressing her mouth to my neck. “You make me happy,” she says quietly.

I swallow hard, pulling her in tighter to me. “You make me happy too.”

“I was thinking,” she says, looking up at me with glowing eyes. “Maybe we should order some wine and celebrate our first night in New York.”

“I think I like that plan,” I reply, walking us backwards out of the bathroom.

“I also think we should draw up a bubble bath and drink our wine in the tub.”

“I think I also like that plan.” I press a kiss to her forehead, and she smiles.

“And then when we’re done with our bath and our wine, I think we should see how comfortable that bed is.” She tilts her head over to where the large king-sized bed sits inside another room off the main living area.

I feel my cock twitch at her suggestions. “You’re really good at this planning thing,” I mumble against her lips.

“I know.” She giggles. “Now go order the wine. I’m going to get the bath ready.”

Fifteen minutes later, two bottles of wine, a cheese and cracker tray, and an antipasti plate arrive in our room. I find Saige relaxing in the middle of the oversized tub, her hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun, and I hand her a glass of white wine.

“To New York.” I raise my glass in a toast.

“To New York,” she repeats, raising hers.

We toast and I strip, joining Saige in the hot water. I sink into the bubbles and pull her to me. She instinctively wraps her long legs around my waist and, as she rubs her center against me, I instantly grow hard.

I groan as she pulls herself even closer, aligning my erection at her entrance. Licking her lips, she takes a slow, long sip of wine, tipping her head back to swallow. I watch the muscles in her slim neck constrict as she swallows, and I instantly want to press my dick to those plump pink lips, but instead I slide inside of her. Her muscles constrict and fight my invasion momentarily until she relaxes, and I easily press myself further inside her. She inhales sharply, her wine glass shaking in her hand as I fill her completely. Setting the glass on the edge of the tub, she presses her lips to mine and slowly begins to move her hips.

“I love when you’re inside me,” she whispers against my ear.

“It’s my favorite place in the world to be,” I tell her, grasping her hips and guiding her up and down slowly. The bubbles float on top of the water lapping against the side of the tub as Saige moves on top of me.

A low mewl escapes her lips as we move together in unison. “I’m going to come,” she mumbles between sharp breaths. Just the sound of her ragged breathing is a turn on.

I quicken my pace and reach down between us to find her clit.

“Holt!” she hisses as I work her with my fingers.

“I love what my touch does to you,” I tell her and she leans forward, resting her forehead against mine. “Come for me.” She nods against my forehead and closes her eyes. Her breathing hitches and I can begin to feel her descent. Then her hips shake and she tightens around me. With two gasps, she collapses on top of me and works to regain control of her breathing. Reaching behind her, she grabs the base of my cock, squeezing gently as I still move inside her. “Saige,” I scold her as I’m instantly brought to my release. I grip her hips tightly as I spill into her, hearing her giggle against my ear.

“I love what my touch does to you.” She uses my own words against me.

I chuckle, feeling out of breath as I lay my head back against the edge of the tub, coming down from my own release. “What’re you doing to me?”

“The same thing you’re doing to me,” she says quietly, wrapping her arms around me. I want to read so much more into it than what she probably means, but instead, I’ll take this as a small victory, and I wrap my arms around her in return.

We take our time showering with each other, and I wrap Saige in an oversized robe when we’re done. I can see the exhaustion in her eyes, so I tell her, “As much as I’d like a repeat of what we just did, we need to rest. You have some serious shopping to do tomorrow, and I need to meet my mother for lunch.” I lean in and press a kiss to her lips. “You’re welcome to join us if it’s not too soon for you,” I tell her and tighten the tie on her robe.

Rebecca Shea's Books