Dare Me(46)

“He’s dangerous in his country. Here . . . not so much.” I can still see the fear in her eyes, even though she’s pretending it’s not a big deal. I can see she hates him.

“Still not happening,” I bark at her.

“Fine.” Her shoulders slouch in defeat.

I take a deep breath and exhale it slowly. “But you are going to have to call him.”

“I planned to call him tomorrow when I get back to the office. I checked my voicemail and he’s called twice.”

I give her a pointed look. “Just keep it professional.”

“I will. I always do.” She looks at me pointedly. “But I still don’t see the big deal—”


“Fine . . . fine.” She turns around and struts away, throwing her hands in the air in frustration.


Holt and I quietly arrive at the office together, each of us going our separate ways once we get here. Traffic was a bitch, and we got here just after Rowan’s cutoff time for coffee, so I’m not surprised to find him waiting for me in my cube with two cups in hand and an annoyed look on his face.

“Morning, sunshine,” he says sarcastically as I toss my purse on my desk and slide my laptop into the docking station.

“Morning, Ro. Sorry I was late. Traffic.”

He leans in and whispers loudly, “Don’t blame traffic. You were getting a piece of that fine ass this morning, weren’t you?” I smile and shake my head at him when he narrows his eyes. “Don’t lie to me, Saige. You had the best mind-blowing morning sex of your life, didn’t you?” He grins like a thirteen-year-old boy, his annoyance long forgotten.

“I didn’t,” I whisper back and wink at him. I’ll keep him guessing.


“It was the second best mind-blowing sex of my life,” I say, throwing myself into my office chair and spinning around to face Rowan.

“Good God, woman, I want the details, all of them. That man is what dreams are made of.” He fans himself.

“Ro.” I chuckle and shake my head at him in mock disgust.

“I know, I know. It’s weird that I’m talking about your man that way, but seriously, Saige . . .” He gives me an expectant look.

“We’re taking things slow,” I say, sipping the piping hot coffee. “As slow as you can for sleeping with him on the first date, I guess.” I roll my eyes at myself. I’m still surprised that I did that, but I quickly dismiss it. Nothing I can do about it now.

“You’re taking the relationship part slow,” Rowan says. “I get that. No need to muddy the waters with crap no one needs.” He crosses his leg and bounces his foot.

“Actually, he’s the one pursuing something a little more serious than just a roll in the sheets,” I admit surprisingly.

“What?” he gasps. “He wants the real deal? Sweet baby Jesus, Saige, what are you hesitating for?”

“What’re you two talking about?” Isaiah asks, coming into the cube and taking a seat next to Rowan.

Rowan spares no seconds dishing. “Mr. Sex God is wanting to pursue a relationship with little Miss Saige here, and she’s giving him the brush off.”

Zay’s eyebrows shoot straight up. “Isn’t that what every girl wants? The successful millionaire to fall in love with her, and here you are settling for just sex?” Rowan tsks.

“I’m not settling,” I explain. “It’s just that this is what works for us right now.”

“You mean works for you,” Zay corrects me, rolling his eyes. He crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the cube wall.

I sigh to myself. “Yes. For now. That doesn’t mean things won’t progress into something more in the future.” I smile at the thought of Holt and me in a real relationship.

Zay shakes his head and sighs, frustrated. “I now know why you’re gay, Rowan, because women are f*cking confusing as hell. Ninety-nine-point-nine percent of them are marrying themselves off in their minds to a man they’ll never have, but then when one of those men wants an actual relationship, she’s fine with a quick lay. I’ll never understand you.” Zay drops his arms from across his chest.

I just smile at him. “I’m not meant to be figured out. I’m just enjoying the moment, not labeling anything . . . yet.” I lift an eyebrow at him and smile.

Zay scoffs and rolls his eyes at me.

Things are definitely tense, and I decide to change the subject. “But, you guys, I have good gossip.” Leaning in closer to the two, I whisper, “Sergio Perez called Holt, and he wants me to accompany him to some party.” My heart races at the thought of being alone with Sergio Perez.

“Whoa!” Rowan holds up a hand. “Don’t do it, Saige. That man is scary shit.”

I shrug. “He is,” I admit. “But he’s threatened to pull his business from Jackson-Hamilton if I don’t do it. Like fifty-two million dollars worth of business.”

Rowan’s face twists in concern. “I know how much that man is spending here,” he says bitterly. “I see the invoices. But I will also say that it’s dirty money, and Holt knows better than anyone that losing Sergio Perez is hardly going to break the Jackson-Hamilton bank.”

Rebecca Shea's Books