Cursor's Fury (Codex Alera #3)(90)

"I think," she said, her tone steady, "that regardless of our ongoing differences, we can both recognize a greater threat to our plans when it appears."

Amara drew in a sharp breath, and her eyes flicked from Lady Aquitaine to Gaius and back. "Sire? I'm not sure I understand. What is she doing here?"

"I invited her, naturally," Gaius said. "We have a common interest in this matter."

"Of course," Amara said. "Neither of you wishes to see Lord Kalarus"-she emphasized the name ever so slightly-"on the throne."

"Exactly," said Lady Aquitaine with a cool smile.

"Kalarus's timing was quite nearly perfect," Gaius said. "But if the Legions of Attica and Placida are freed to act, we should be able to stop him. That's where you and Lady Aquitaine come in, Countess."

Amara frowned. "What is your command, sire?"

"Simply put, rescue the hostages and remove Kalarus's hold on Lords Placidus and Atticus with all possible haste." Gaius nodded toward Lady Aquitaine. "Invidia has agreed to assist you. Work with her."

Amara felt her spine stiffen, and she narrowed her eyes. "With... her? Even though she is responsible for-"

"For saving my life when the Canim attacked the palace?" the First Lord said gently. "For taking command of a situation which could have dissolved into an utter disaster? For her tireless efforts to rally support for emancipation?"

"I am aware of her public image," Amara said, her voice sharp. "I am equally aware of her true designs."

Gaius narrowed his eyes. "Which is the very reason I offered her this opportunity to work together," he said. "Even if you do not believe that she believes in acting for the good of the Realm, I am sure that you trust her ambition. So long as she and her husband wish to take the throne from me, I am confident that she would do nothing that would give it to Kalarus."

"You cannot trust her, sire," Amara said quietly. "If she gets the chance to move against you, she will."

"Perhaps so," Gaius said. "But until that time, I am confident of her assistance against a common foe."

"With reason," Lady Aquitaine murmured. "Countess, I assure you that I see the value of cooperation in this matter." The tall woman's eyes suddenly burned hot. "And politics aside, Kalarus's murderous attempt upon my life, on the lives of my clients, upon so many Citizens and members of the League cannot be ignored. Any animal as vicious and dangerous as Kalarus must be put down. It will be my pleasure to assist the Crown in doing so."

"And when that is done?" Amara asked, her tone a challenge.

"When that is done," Lady Aquitaine said, "we will see."

Amara stared at her for a moment before turning to Gaius. "My lord..."

Gaius lifted a hand. "Invidia," he said. "I know that you are still weary from tonight's trauma."

She smiled, the expression elegant and not at all weary. "Of course, sire. Countess, High Lord Cereus has offered the safety and security of his guest wing to all those attacked by Kalarus's Immortals. Please call on me at your convenience."

"Very well, Your Grace," Amara said quietly.

Lady Aquitaine curtseyed to Gaius. "Sire."

Gaius inclined his head, and Lady Aquitaine departed the garden.

"I do not like this, my lord," Amara said.

"A moment," the First Lord said. He closed his eyes and muttered something, making a pair of swift gestures with his hands, and Amara sensed furycraft at work, doubtless to ensure a few moments of privacy.

Jim Butcher's Books