Cursor's Fury (Codex Alera #3)(85)

Amara took a deep breath and said, "Full, legal corroboration should be complete in a few days, but the given the timing of events, I am confident of what we will find. Last night, apparently simultaneously with the attacks here, Lord Kalarus mobilized his Legions."

Several people drew in sharp breaths. Low mutters ran through the garden again, voices quicker, nervous.

"One of Kalarus's Legions assaulted the western foothills of Parcia and diverted the Gaul through the floodplain. The Third Parcian Legion was forced to abandon the stronghold at Whiteharrow, and Kalarus's Legions now control the passes down out of the Blackhills.

"At the same time," Amara continued, "two more Legions assaulted the camp of Second Ceres, taking them completely by surprise. The attackers offered no quarter. There were fewer than a hundred survivors."

Lord Cereus's face became even more pale, and he bowed his head.

"Those Legions," Amara said, "are already marching on the city. Their Knights Aeris and other advance elements are already in the area, and we anticipate that the main body of troops will arrive within half a day."

"Pah," scoffed a voice from the edge of the garden. "That's ridiculous."

Amara turned to the speaker, Senator Arnos, dressed in the formal scholar's robes of the Collegia Tactica and wearing a haughty expression. "Sir?" she inquired politely.

"Kalarus is ambitious, but he is no fool. You would have us believe that he would make open war upon the whole of the Realm and leave his own city unprotected?"

"Unprotected, sir?" Amara asked mildly.

"Three Legions," Lord Arnos said. "Each High Lord has three Legions at his command. That is the law."

Amara blinked slowly at Arnos, then said, "Law-abiding High Lords do not make war upon the whole of the Realm and send fanatic madmen to assassinate their fellow Citizens. Generally speaking." She turned back to the others present, and said, "In addition to the forces already mentioned, two more of Kalare's Legions have already seized the bridges over the Gaul at Hector and Vondus. Intelligence suggests that another Legion will join the two on their way here, and that he holds at least one Legion in mobile reserve." She glanced back at the Senator. "If it makes you feel any better, sir, Kalarus also has a Legion stationed at Kalare to secure his city."

"Seven," muttered the grey-bearded soldier. "Seven bloody Legions. Where the crows did he hide four entire Legions, Countess?"

"For the time being, that is of secondary importance," Amara said. "What matters is that he has them, and he's using them." She took a deep breath and looked around the room. "If Kalarus's forces take Ceres, there will be nothing to stand between them and the capital."

This time there were no mutterings-only silence.

The First Lord's rich, smooth voice, murmured, "Thank you, Countess. Lord Cereus, what is the status of your defenses?"

Cereus grimaced and shook his head. "We aren't ready for something like this, sire," he said, his tone frank. "With Second Legion destroyed, I have only First Legion and the civic legion to man the walls-and we're going to be spread thin. Against three entire Legions and their Knights, we'll not hold for long. If Kalarus himself is with them..."

"I remember a young soldier," Gaius said, "who once told me that the more desperate and hopeless the battle, the more he wanted to face it and take the field. That he lived for such challenge."

"That soldier grew up, Gaius," Cereus said in a tired voice, without looking up. "He wed. Had children. Grandchildren. He got old."

Jim Butcher's Books