Cursor's Fury (Codex Alera #3)(152)

"Understood, Captain," Foss said, saluting.

Tavi lifted a hand, and said, "No, wait. Set them up, Tribune Medica."

Foss grimaced, though there was a defiant light in his eyes as he saluted again. "A fight with Canim and a promotion. Today isn't going to get much worse."

Ehren drifted in on soundless feet as Foss left. The young Cursor sat down cross-legged next to Tavi and watched the camp activity with a weary expression. A moment later, a squat, bulky-looking centurion rolled up at a quick march and saluted Tavi. "Captain."

"Centurion Erasmus, " Tavi said. "This is Sir Ehren ex Cursori, the agent who brought us word of the Canim incursion."

Erasmus stiffened. "The man Eighth Spear is accused of assaulting."

"The charges are dereliction of duty in time of war, attempted murder, and treason," Tavi said quietly.

Erasmus's face reddened. And well it should, Tavi thought. Those crimes carried lethal consequences. No centurion wanted to see his own men tried and executed, for all kinds of reasons.

"Frankly, centurion," Tavi said, "I have no intention of killing any legionare, especially veterans, whatever the reason, so long as I have any alternative. If this incursion is as large as it would seem to be, we'll need every sword."

Erasmus frowned at Tavi, and said, cautiously, "Yes, sir."

"I'm assigning Sir Ehren to question your legionares. Frankly, I suspect they're more stupid than treasonous, but..." He gestured at the ruined ground around them. "We obviously can't afford to take any chances with our security. Someone told the Canim where to strike. Sir Ehren, find out what the prisoners know." He paused, fighting down a sick little feeling in his stomach, then said, "Use whatever means necessary."

Ehren didn't even blink. He nodded calmly to Tavi, as if he tortured prisoners often enough to expect the order to do so.

"Centurion Erasmus," Tavi said. "Go with him. I'll give you a chance to convince your men to cooperate, but we don't have much time, and I will know if there are any more turncloaks waiting to stab us in the back. Understood?"

Erasmus saluted. "Yes, sir."

"Good," Tavi said. "Go."

They did, and Magnus appeared from the darkness. He passed Tavi a cup of tea in a plain tin mug. Tavi accepted it gratefully. "You heard everything?"

"Yes," Magnus said quietly. "I don't think you should leave the town."

"Cyril would have," Tavi said.

Magnus said nothing, though Tavi fancied he could hear disapproval in his silence.

Tavi took a sip of bitter, bracing tea. "Foss says Valiar Marcus will be on his feet soon. He's acting Tribune Tactica. Make sure he knows I want him to take charge of the town's defenses and get any unarmed civilians over the bridge and onto the north side of the river."

"Yes, sir," Magnus said quietly.

Tavi frowned and looked at him. "I'm still not sure we shouldn't hand the Legion to Marcus."

"You're the next in the chain of command," Magnus replied quietly. "The First Spear is the senior centurion, and career soldier, but he isn't an officer."

"Neither am I," Tavi said wryly.

Magnus paused for a reflective moment, then said, "I'm not sure I trust him."

Tavi paused with the cup near his lips. "Why not?"

Magnus shrugged. "All those officers, many of them powerful furycrafters, dead. He just happened to live through it?"

Jim Butcher's Books