Cursor's Fury (Codex Alera #3)(151)

"Who'd notice," Tavi said.

Foss showed his teeth. "True." He was silent for a second, then cleared his throat, and said, "We've got two more survivors so far."

"Who?" Tavi asked.

"That's the thing," Foss said. "I can't tell."

Tavi winced.

"They'll have to tell us if they wake up. Burns are too bad. Look like they got skinned. Some of it was so hot, pieces of their armor melted." Foss let out a shaking breath. "I've seen bad. But never bad like that."

"Tell me," Tavi said. "Have you seen Lady Antillus this evening?"

Foss was quiet for a long time until he said, "No, sir."

"Would it have made any difference, if she'd been there?"

Foss grunted. "Probably. Maybe. Hard to say for sure, sir."

Tavi nodded and glanced up as Max came striding up. "First Spear made it through."

Max began to smile, then shook himself, came to attention, and saluted. Tavi stiffened uncomfortably at the formality, but returned it. "That's something, at least, sir," Max said. "The auxiliaries are ready to move out. Four hundred cavalry and eighty scouts."

"What about the horses?" Tavi asked.

Max grimaced. "We're missing a pair of our courier mounts."

"We're missing two of our fastest horses. We're missing Lady Antillus." Tavi shook his head. "I'm tempted to draw unkind conclusions."

"I'm tempted to..." Max's voice dropped off into a low, muttering growl.

Foss grunted. "You think she had something to do with what hit the captain, sir?"

Tavi grimaced. Actually speaking of his suspicions aloud, in the course of his duties to one of his officers, would have the legal weight of a lawful accusation. "I don't have any way of knowing, centurion. But I've got a lot of questions that I'd like to have answered."

Max scowled. "Make me a list, sir. I'll think of some creative ways to ask them."

"While you're doing that," Tavi said, "saddle up. You're acting Tribune Aux-iliarus. I want you with them when they find the Canim."

Max grunted. "What about my fish, sir?"

"Tell Schultz he's an acting centurion."

"He isn't ready," Max said.

"He'll fit right in around here," Tavi said. "I don't want to break up century structures and surround the fish with new faces now."

Max nodded. "I'll get my horse."

"Get me one, too," Tavi said. "I'm coming."

Foss and Max traded a look. "Urn," Max said. "Captain..."

Tavi held up a hand. "I've got to get a look at what we're up against, Max. I don't know a damned thing about the terrain out there, and I need to see it if we're going to be fighting in it. I want to see the Canim for the same reason."

"They're big, sir," Max said. "They have teeth. They're strong as bulls and they run real fast. Pretty much all you need to know."

"Or maybe it isn't," Tavi said, voice harder. "Get me a horse, Tribune."

Max's objection was clear in his expression, but he saluted, and said, "Yes, sir." Then spun cleanly on a heel and marched off.

"Thank you, Foss," Tavi said. "I think we can assume our first healing station should be on the south side of the bridge. We'll need a second one on this side, in case we get pushed back. Set them up, centurion."

Jim Butcher's Books