Crazy in Love (Blue Lake #3)(68)

“I’m thrilled…I’ve be even more thrilled if I could talk you out of this robe.” He leaned over, tugged down her collar and kissed her bare shoulder. “I’ve been thinking…if the songs keep doing this well, I may be able to stay in Blue Lake longer than I thought.”

He hadn’t left town since they returned from the concert in Lake Tahoe. Although she’d told him he could go back to Hollywood and they could have a long distance relationship, he’d shot her down immediately. After the first month, he’d told her he’d stay another. And then another. But they’d never discussed exactly when he’d return to Southern California.

She’d assumed he’d leave when it was time to record another album.

“Is that so?” she asked, sipping the wine to hide her grin. “How much longer do you think you’ll stay?”

Cole leaned against her, shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip. “When I first came back to Blue Lake, I thought I’d get bored within a few days. But after staying these last few months with you, I can’t imagine leaving.”

She’d taken time to show him the sights that Blue Lake had to offer. They’d picnicked at the lake, rafted down the river, frequented Lucy’s winery, and had even panned for gold in one of the retired sites. Cole had found a sliver of a nugget—worth less than a few dollars—and had hollered so loud, Rachael thought he’d won the lottery. The last three months had been heavenly. Perfect. And it meant so much that Cole felt the same way about their time together.

“What about your music?” she asked, clicking refresh again. Another hundred copies had sold worldwide since he joined her on the couch. Amazing. “And your next record? Won’t you need to go back?”

“I’ve made enough money on the iTunes sales alone to keep my home in Hollywood and invest in somewhere around here. I could live in Blue Lake, and when duty called I’d travel south and stay a week or so. It’d be like a vacation. You’d love Hollywood.”

“I’m coming with you?”

He draped his arm over her shoulder and squeezed her against him. “Of course you are. Baby, I don’t want to be apart from you any longer than I have to be.”

Hesitantly, she asked, “Who’d take care of the inn while I’m gone?”


“Skylie?” She frowned, trying to follow his train of thought. “Lucy’s assistant at the winery?”

He nodded. “When Lucy stopped by for dinner last night, she asked if I was going to stay in Blue Lake for the long haul.”

Rachael turned to him. “She did?”

“Yes, and I asked her if she knew of anyone looking for work, so if the time came that we had to take off for a few days, every one of your guests would be taken care of.”

Since the addition had opened, the rooms had been full. Surprisingly, Cole didn’t seem to mind the guests coming in and out. He was amiable. Friendly and comical, cheering them up with songs by the fire and stories of “behind-the-scenes” Hollywood.

Rachael’s heart warmed when she thought of the way her professional life had molded with her personal one. “That was sweet of you to think of them…and me.”

“She said her assistant Skylie is phenomenal and is looking to supplement her income at StoneMill with another job during the day. It might be perfect.”

Yeah, it just might be.

“Besides,” he said, “after seeing the response from these songs, Rita wants me to stay here and continue writing.”

Kristin Miller's Books