Crazy in Love (Blue Lake #3)(63)

She parked in the self-parking lot and darted inside, heading straight for registration.

What would she say to Cole when she saw him? Hey, just wanted to tell you I want more than a weekend fling. Don’t go back to Hollywood. Kiss me until I stop over-thinking this.

All of those things would work, but none of them felt right. The only thing burning to leap off her lips were three tempestuous words: I love you.

It was crazy to think she loved a man she met three days ago, but since the day she met Cole Turner, he somehow managed to burrow into her soul. She couldn’t imagine life without him.

“Excuse me?” she said, sliding up to the hotel registration counter. “What room is Cole Turner staying in?”

The short man behind the counter grinned without showing his teeth. “I can’t tell you that ma’am. Privacy issue. Are you checking in?”

“No, I…” What was she going to do? Wait in the lobby until she caught him walking out? Clearly she hadn’t thought this through. “…I just needed to say something before it was too late.”

“I could lose my job if I gave out that kind of information, especially since I’ve been given specific orders from his manager to keep his room number private.” His smile disappeared as fast as it came. “I’m sure you understand.”

Her heart squeezed. “Yeah, I do.”

“So,” he said, folding his hands over the counter, “checking in?”

What was her other option? Wait in the lobby? Come hell or high water she would see him tomorrow for his show, but she’d need a place to crash for tonight.

“Fine.” She took her ID and credit card from her purse and slid it over.

His fingers flew over the computer keys. “All we have left is a luxury empress suite. Full kitchen and living room. King size bed. Magnificent views of the Sierras. Top floor.”

“Seriously?” She sighed. If she wanted to run into Cole, she had to stay. “Fine, whatever, just give me the paperwork.”

As she signed the registration form, the concierge handed her the key. “Take the elevator to the eighteenth floor, and the room will be the last on the right.” He unfolded a brochure in front of her showcasing the music acts for the month. A scorching picture of Cole was on the left flap, a smoldering gleam in his eye, a guitar slung over his shoulder. “Every luxury empress suite reservation comes with a complimentary ticket to one of our shows.”


At least she’d save the cost of tomorrow’s ticket to see him.

“Tonight’s show was supposed to be Scratchy and the Buccaneers, but they had to cancel.”

“Scratchy?” She snorted into a laugh. “Hope he didn’t get a rash.”

The concierge stared, his face a stoic mask. “Cole Turner filled in, but the show is nearly over.”

“Now?” She screeched, pounding on the counter. “Cole’s playing now? Where?”

“South showroom.”

“I’ll take that one. That show.”

He frowned. “All right, but once I print it there are no refunds. If you miss the show, you don’t get a ticket for tomorrow.”

“Just print the damn ticket!”

God, what did a girl have to do to stalk a rock star around here?

Raising his eyebrows, the concierge stared as if she’d gone nut-so. She probably had. He printed the ticket. Snatching it off the counter, Rachel took off toward the south showroom. She jetted through the casino, winding around slot machines, her thoughts whirling. She wouldn’t ask Cole to stay in Blue Lake, but would he want to? Could he still sing and make records if he didn’t live in Hollywood? Is that what he’d want?

Kristin Miller's Books