Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(59)

Another bout of silence stretched.

“Thanks. I’ll think on it.” Dag gulped the last of the booze in the bottle.

“You do that. Any time you need to talk, you call me.”

“Can I ask you somethin’?”

“I guess.”

“How come you ain’t married?”

That’d come out of left field. “Haven’t found the right woman yet.” Kade thought of Skylar. Even though he’d only know her for a short time she felt…right.

“So, as much as you disapprove of what me and Colt and Kane have been doin’, it ain’t any worse than endin’ up like Cord.”

Dag didn’t offer any additional explanations as he shuffled off to bed.

And Kade knew Dag was actually right about one thing. He’d been using his responsibilities to the ranch as an excuse to keep his life stuck in a holding pattern. He just didn’t have a clue as to how to go about changing it.

He climbed in his truck and headed home.

Chapter Sixteen

AJ stopped at the C-Mart for a Diet Mountain Dew and ice before she drove to Cord’s place.

No yard lights were on when she started down the long driveway. She wondered if he’d be embarrassed about her offer and grouchy to be the bearer of bad news to the rest of the McKays about Colt.

Why did the responsibilities always fall on his shoulders?

Keely had had major concerns about Colt’s behavior for a long time. Her intuition when it came to her family was largely unrealized in the McKay clan.

Last year at Carter and Macie’s wedding reception, Keely had informed Colt he’d find happiness when he stopped looking for it in the bottom of a bottle or a condom box.

Colt had laughed and patted her on the head—which was a typical response to her from her big, burly brothers and a reaction that drove Keely insane.

AJ shot a quick glance at Cord’s dark house and dialed Keely’s cell number. She answered on the first ring.

“Hey, BFF, you okay?”

Keely sniffed. “No. Colt is such a dumbass. I can’t believe he’d do that to Cord. He worships Cord. We all do.” She sniffled again. “Did you see what happened?”

“Most of it.”

“Was it awful?”

“Yeah. I’ve never seen Cord so mad. Not his usual quiet, dangerous mad. It was his—”

“—I wanna rip someone’s head off and watch me do it with one hand, kind of mad.

I’ve only seen it once and that was enough.”

AJ listened to Keely’s quiet cries. “I wish I was there, K, because I know how much this stuff freaks you out.”

“Thanks. But it’s more important you’re there for Cord. He told me you were coming over.”

“He did?”

“Yeah. But I knew you’d go to him. I knew you wouldn’t let him hurt alone.”

Keely’s voice dropped to a whisper. “He is hurting, AJ, not just where Colt punched him.

Don’t let him push you away. Be there for him. Someone needs to be. Call me tomorrow.”

AJ followed the curved walkway to the front door. She stepped inside. No sign of Cord in the living room. After putting the ice in the freezer, she heard the shower running upstairs.

He’d left the door to the master bathroom open a crack. “Cord? Just wanted to let you know I’m up here so you don’t think I’m an intruder and shoot me.”

Lorelei James's Books