Confessions of a Royal Bridegroom(148)

Griffin finally stepped around him and wrapped an arm around his wife’s waist. “Come, my sweet, sit with me.” She cut him a burning glance, her eyes shining with incipient tears, but didn’t resist when he led her back to the chaise.

Count Marzano pointedly cleared his throat, his manner imbued with an arrogant air of satisfaction. “Now that the matter is settled, I will not intrude on you any further. Mr. Steele, I have a few matters to settle regarding the baby’s care, but I will return in the morning with a nurse.”

“No,” Justine snapped out. “He’s only just recovering from a terrible fever, and the journey back to town tired him out. It wouldn’t be wise for him to leave the house for a few days.”

When the count started to object, Griffin cut him off. “My wife is correct. Surely you would not want Stephen to fall ill, would you? I hardly imagine the duke would approve.” Griffin smiled, showing his teeth in challenge.

“That does seem to make sense,” Dominic smoothly intervened. “I trust you have no objection, my dear count?”

The Italian seemed to wrestle with his anger for a few moments, but soon controlled it. “Naturally, I would not want to endanger the child. Very well, Mrs. Steele, I will return to fetch Stefano the day after tomorrow. I trust he will then be fully recovered.”

Justine’s eyes narrowed, but before she could retort Griffin squeezed her waist.

“Until then, Count Marzano,” he said.

Dominic escorted the man to the door, handing him over to Phelps, who had clearly been hovering in the hallway and no doubt listening. When Dominic returned, he dropped into the armchair with a heavy sigh.

“Uncle Dominic, how could you?” Justine burst out, wriggling from Griffin’s embrace. “You know that man isn’t telling the truth! How can you possibly hand Stephen over to him?”

“My dear, I hardly have a choice. The duke is the child’s father. There can be no reason to deny his rights, not without some clear proof that Stephen’s safety is under threat by him.” He grimaced. “And probably not even then, I’m sorry to say.”

“But what about the woman who brought him here?” she said with a heartbreaking quaver in her voice. “Haven’t you found out anything about her?”

Dominic shoved his hand back through his hair in an uncharacteristic gesture of frustration. “I have not been able to track her down, I’m sorry to say. I’ll keep looking, but—”

“There must be something we can do,” Justine exclaimed, waving her arms.

“Dominic, are you absolutely sure we have no other choice?” Griffin asked.

The older man looked at him with disbelief. “Do you think I want to do this? I received orders directly from the Prime Minister on this. No one wants to embarrass the duke, especially over what is perceived as a private and relatively trivial matter.”

“Trivial!” Justine’s voice broke on the word, and she covered her mouth as if to hold back a sob. Griffin reached for her, but she pulled away and stood up.

Dominic sighed, rising. “My dear, I know how you’ve come to care deeply for the child, and I’m truly sorry. But—”

She rounded on him, her pretty face blazing with a fierce light. “It’s got nothing to do with my feelings for Stephen. I’m convinced he’s in danger, and I believe you are, too.”

“I do not know that to be the case for a certainty, despite the strange occurrences surrounding him,” Dominic said calmly and with a hint of his usual imperious manner. “And neither do you. I promise I will continue to investigate and do everything in my power to ensure the child’s safety. But you must trust me when I say I don’t have a choice right at this moment.”

Vanessa Kelly's Books