Confessions of a Royal Bridegroom(144)

Justine barely acknowledged the count, her suspicious demeanor in marked contrast to the Italian’s warm manner.

“Mrs. Steele,” the count said, his accent soft and cultured, “I am delighted to meet you under more appropriate circumstances. I truly regretted the unfortunate scene next door that was so discomforting to you.”

“I have no doubt,” she responded tartly.

“Now that we’ve made our formal introductions,” Dominic smoothly interrupted, “perhaps we can take our seats and discuss the baby’s situation. I’m sure Mr. and Mrs. Steele are both eager to see the situation resolved to little Stephen’s benefit.”

“We are all ears,” Griffin said with gentle sarcasm as he sat beside Justine.

He clasped her hand and brought it to his knee, holding it in a loose grip. Her fingers jerked, then curled around his.

“First, let me say how grateful the duke is for your care of his son,” the count began. “He was extremely worried that Stefano had fallen into a dire situation.”

“So worried, in fact, that he apparently let him slip out of his care in the first place,” Griffin replied.

“Do you mean to tell me that Stephen is the son of an Italian duke?” Justine demanded, forgetting her earlier promise. “How in God’s name did he end up dropped on the doorstep of a stranger? It seems too ridiculous to be believed.”

When Count Marzano stiffened, clearly offended, Dominic intervened again. “Perhaps it would be best to start with the most salient point. Although Stephen, or, Stefano, is the duke’s son, he is illegitimate, the product of a liaison with a shopkeeper’s daughter. Most of the confusion in this situation stems from that fact.”

Griffin leaned forward, narrowing his gaze on Dominic. “So, the fact that he is the illegitimate child of royalty excuses his abandonment on my doorstep? Do you truly believe such nonsense would hold any merit for me?”

When Justine squeezed his hand in sympathy, he cast her a glance. Surprisingly, she was scowling at Dominic, too.

“My dear sir, you misunderstand,” the count exclaimed. “The duke was devastated when his son disappeared. He has spared no expense in his search for him.”

“Which, apparently, included breaking into my house and attacking my people,” Griffin snapped.

Count Marzano shook his head. “I have no knowledge of this attack, and I assure you that His Highness would never approve of such brutality.”

Griffin didn’t believe that for a moment. But before he could challenge the man, Dominic gave a slight but clear shake of the head.

“Then what were you doing at The Golden Tie?” Justine asked, obviously missing Dominic’s signal. “And please don’t insult my intelligence by telling me that your presence there was a coincidence.”

The Italian bowed his head. “I wouldn’t dream of it, dear lady. As you have surmised, I was there seeking information about Stefano. Information had reached us that he was hidden in a brothel. I was simply attempting to ascertain if that was true. I might add that The Golden Tie was not the only such establishment I visited.”

“Would it not have been easier to simply ask me?” Griffin said.

The count spread his hands in a self-deprecating gesture. “The threat of scandal, Mr. Steele. I was trying very hard to avoid it.”

Justine shook her head, exasperated. “I don’t understand any of this.”

“Count Marzano, perhaps it would be best to start at the beginning,” Dominic suggested. “Then we can go on from there.”

Vanessa Kelly's Books