Collide (Collide #1)(121)

Sitting himself on the floor in front of her, Gavin dipped the washcloth into the water and reached for one of her wrists. She flinched back in noticeable pain as he laid it across her skin. Now he felt anger surge within him, knowing that Dillon had caused all of it. Gavin gritted his teeth as he squeezed the excess water from the cloth, noticing its white color was tinged pink from her blood. The blood from this beautiful woman was brought on by an * - an * that didn't deserve her smile, her touch, her warmth, or her love.

None of it.

Wanting to tell her how much better he could treat her, see to her every need, and take care of her in every way possible, Gavin found his voice trapped in yearning, not wanting to upset her further.

"I'm sorry that I caused this to happen, Gavin. I'm so sorry," she whispered as tears steadily trickled down her cheeks.

With his brows creased and head tilted, Gavin applied the last bandage. He looked up to her and tried to understand why she would say that. "You think this was your fault?"

"Yes. Dillon was right. If I didn't let that guy touch me, none of this would've happened."

"Emily..." he paused, bringing his hand up to cup the curve of her jaw. "You're not responsible for what happened. Do you understand me?"

Sniffling, she adamantly shook her head and stared into his eyes. "No, Gavin, I'm responsible. I had no right talking to that guy to begin with." She started sobbing uncontrollably. "You and Dillon were friends, and now you won't be after this. I can't believe what I've caused."

He could see the mixture of confusion and pain on her face, and it only heightened his confusion. Damn Dillon. He had her under a tighter hold than Gavin could've ever imagined. "He makes you think it's your fault, Emily," he replied, the words spoken low but unwavering. "And I'm not worried about his friendship right now. I don't think I ever was. I'm worried about you - you, Emily - not him."

Shaking her head, she continued to cry, barely managing a breath in between. Gavin rose to his feet and settled himself on the couch next to her. Placing a pillow on his lap, he gently pulled her down and rested her head against it. He wasn't surprised that she didn't resist. The woman that he'd come to know was broken - torn to pieces by a man who saw through her weaknesses. Weaknesses he used against her with every chance he got. It could've been seconds, minutes, or possibly hours - Gavin didn't know - but he sat there stroking Emily's hair until she fell asleep. With bloodshot eyes, Gavin watched as her chest rose and fell peacefully. As each one of those seconds, minutes, or possible hours passed, Gavin knew - and not for the sake of what he wanted for him and Emily, but for the sake of Emily alone - he needed to get her away from Dillon.

The cold infinite October sky held an unobstructed view of a full harvest moon as Emily and Olivia stepped out from their building. Pulling in a deep breath, Emily stared at the twinkling stars spreading across the backdrop of towering buildings. She longed for this season. The air, although crisp, managed to warm her, reminding her of Colorado.


If there was ever a time in her life that she felt she needed her mother, it was right now.

"We look amazing, chick," Olivia trilled, waving a taxi over. "My mother always says the best money spent is money spent on hair, makeup, and nails for an evening like this."

Before Emily could agree, a sleek black limousine pulled up in front of them. The chauffeur stepped out, and Emily recalled that he'd driven them out to Gavin's home in the Hamptons.

"Good evening, Miss Martin," the gray-haired plump gentleman said to Olivia. "Please forgive my tardiness this evening. The city has quite a few blocks closed down for repairs that I was unaware of."

Gail McHugh's Books