Collide (Collide #1)(116)

Emily had to smile at that.

Unable to numb her anxiety with alcohol because of the medication she was on, she endured the situation as best as she could - paying no attention to either man. As she accepted a glass of ice water from the bartender, her cell phone lighting up in her purse caught her attention.

Pulling it out, she noticed it was a text from a number she didn't know: I must play the game very well...

With furrowed brows, having no idea who it was, she texted back: Who is this?

After a few seconds, the reply: However...your "birds" have no clue how to play the it all evens out...

Snapping her head up in Gavin's direction, her heart skipped a beat. Though he was perched on the opposite side of Dillon, he was in Emily's line of sight. Staring at her, his smile was wide and inhibited. She flicked her eyes in Dillon's direction. It was obvious that he was paying no mind to her or Gavin, clearly more intoxicated than when they first arrived. He was in the midst of a conversation regarding the game with another patron as they laughed and shared a few shots together.

Another incoming text vibrated her phone: Take a look at the score...

Nervous, she looked over at Gavin again.

Smiling, he leaned his chin in the palm of his hand and gestured to one of the televisions with his bottle of beer.

Quickly averting her eyes to the screen where it was highlighting a Yankees lead by five, she let out the breath she was holding. She looked back to him where yet another smile broke out across his face.

Emily texted back: How did you get my number?

His reply: Admit that your birds don't have a chance against my Yankees...and perhaps I will release that information...

Coughing, she cocked a brow and looked at him.

He smiled and casually shrugged.

"The nerve," she mumbled under her breath as she texted him back: I will do no such thing...

Her eyes shifted to his again. With a perplexed look on his face, he smiled, and she watched as he swiftly ran his fingers across his screen.

He texted: Then you're left with your original assumption of my personality...I'm a stalker, and you're my beautiful prey. Boo.

Shaking her head at the true wiseass he really was, curiosity got the better of her: Fine, my birds aren't playing their best tonight...

Sighing, she heard Gavin let out a full throaty laugh.

He replied: I'll make it simple...your team S-U-C-K-S. And since you wouldn't admit that your birds have no chance against my beloved Yankees, I have the sudden urge to make you...beg. Kinky, right? I'll be waiting for your response...

Taking a sip of her water, she scoffed. "He's seriously lost his mind."

She watched as a superior smile washed over his face.

She began to text him back, letting him know she wouldn't beg for an answer, but he sent another: I decided I'm in a generous mood tonight since my team is whipping some serious ass. Forget about you begging me...which I know you would've...text back the magic word, and I will relinquish the information you so desire. starts with pretty...

She rolled her eyes and texted him back: Please...

His answering text was quick: I knew I could get you to beg...Molly.

Now she couldn't help but laugh. Her text was a little more demanding this time: Emily to you, "stalkerboy". You didn't get me to beg for anything. I want the information.

Oh, his smile was teetering between lewd and mischievous when she looked in his direction now.

He responded: You begged, doll, and I'm pretty, I'm positive...I could get you to beg for plenty of things if given the proper chance to do so. Plenty. But, to answer your question, Olivia gave me your number. I would assume my source doesn't come as a shock...

Gail McHugh's Books