Claimed for the Master's Pleasure (Guilty Pleasures #5)(25)

Closing her eyes and sucking the air slowly into her lungs, Lia concentrated on her breathing. Jake took hold of her hands. The lengths of rope dangled from her wrist and trailed on the floor as he led her into the bedroom. Her feminine arousal began coating the inside of her thighs as she walked on adrenaline-charged legs. She noticed the blinds had been drawn and several lamps had been lit, to cast a subdued light over the room.

He cupped her chin and she looked up into his piercing blue eyes. “Remember, you can trust me, Lia. If you use your safeword, I’ll stop whatever I’m doing.”

Not daring to speak for fear of her voice cracking, she nodded her agreement, and then let out a long, slow breath. Placing herself in his care took all her courage, and he waited for her to calm down.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir,” she replied, meekly. Surely her heart couldn’t beat any faster?

Chapter Seventeen

Jake positioned her with her back to the end of the four-poster bed. He raised each arm in turn, tying the end of the rope attached to her wrists around the top of the bedpost. Next he roughly tied a length of rope to each of her ankles before spreading them wide, and securing them to the legs of the bedstead. Ultimately, she found herself spread wide open between the posts. As she looked down her body, she watched her stomach undulating and quivering in anticipation. Tightly secured by the rope harness, her breasts and nipples jutted forward, making her feel sexy as hell. A warm sensation burned in her *. God help her, she wanted him to fill her right now with that huge dick of his. His erection, strong and virile, bobbed in front of him. He was as sexually charged as she was.

“Mmm, that’s better. Just one final thing, and you’ll be fully open to me.” He took a small piece of string from the dresser, and held it up in front of her. A wicked smile spread on his lips. “Any guesses?”

Lia shook her head. “No, Sir.”

The muscles of his shoulders flexed and shimmered in the subdued lighting as he leaned down in front of her. She saw the five o’clock shadow staining his jaw, and the sensual swell of his lips as he stared at her *. With her legs spread wide, her glistening womanhood was open for his inspection. Thank God she kept it clean shaven. “I’m so glad you’re pierced. It makes all the difference.” He threaded the length of string through the hoop of her clitoral piercing, and then tied both ends to the coils of rope around her waist. Lia gasped as the tightened string raised her clitoral hood higher, completely exposing the sensitive, sexual nub for her Master.

“Oh, God,” she whimpered, as her legs began to tremble uncontrollably. Her sexual libido had gone off the scale.

“Has a man ever done this to you before?” he asked, staring into her eyes for a long time.

Mesmerized by him, Lia gasped as he feathered a finger over her exposed clit. It felt so f*cking erotic. The heady mix of pleasure and burning pain ripped right through her as he playfully teased the sensitive spot. Her head went back, and she cried out, “No, Sir.” She pulled helplessly at the restraints securing her wrists and ankles, trying to edge away from his exquisite torture. “No, Sir, please, I’m begging you.”

He smiled. “Is that no, Sir, please don’t do it? Or no, Sir, please, this is the first time I’ve experienced this?” He trailed his index finger over her sensitive nub again, making her squirm, until her whole body went rigid. After a while, he stopped tormenting her clit, and she was finally able to speak.

“Please, Sir, no one has ever done that to me before,” she gasped, catching her breath in large gulps.

Jake walked to the corner of the room and lounged decadently on a chair, openly studying her. “Now for the rules. When I return home from work, I expect you to be at my disposal. As soon as I walk through the door in the evening, you will come to me. You will ask what I desire, and you will fulfill those desires. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“When I am satisfied, or I don’t require anything further from you, we can be more informal with each other. I will then allow you to call me Jake again. Do you understand the rules, Lia?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Are you absolutely sure?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m absolutely sure.”

“Excellent. You’ve saved yourself a bare ass spanking.”

Lia had to admire his beautiful physique as he stood and began slowly walking toward her. Strong thighs gave way to a perfect washboard stomach, which flared out into a broad chest and wide shoulders. Every muscle lay taut against his large frame. Jake was the perfect male specimen. His cock rose erect and proud, and jutted mouthwateringly from his groin. Her desire went into overdrive. When she looked into his eyes they were focused entirely on her. Cool blue, yet burning with an intensity that overwhelmed her. He consumed her. He wanted her, and God help her, he would devour her.

His large hands touched her flesh, sending pulses of pure pleasure coursing through her. “You are such a beautiful woman. Your body is exquisite. Now that I’ve enhanced your breasts with this rope work, they look like ripe fruit, ready to be plucked.” His hands smoothed over the engorged mounds, rolling the nipples tightly beneath his palms. After kneading them in an erotic massage, he then clamped the nubs hard between a finger and thumb. Her body reacted, arching to his touch.

“Ah, Lia, you respond to your Master well.” He leaned down and licked her areola, swirling his tongue over the hardened peak. “This pleases me.”

Jan Bowles's Books